Best performing sets...


I play 6/49 no bonus lottery. I've been reading previous posts about "Best performing sets". I was told about a program called LotWin that has such features to find best performing sets and display winning status. I downloaded it and can't find this features. Are there any programs able to find best performing sets ??? Please help.



Hi revy,

Which version are you talking about? The reason I ask is that I don't know if all have that feature. LotWin 2002 Pro will give you "Winning Number Sets". In the filter section, click Number Sets, when the bar graph displays, press Winning Sets. Depending on how many history data are selected the program will show the sets, I find that usually none will show for less than 15-20 past draws. This will give sets anywhere from 10 to 36 nrs., display nr of jackpots and up to 5 dates (in the form of 'draws back'). You then choose the one you like, click Load, Close and OK, then Build Lines. When that finishes, click View Lines, Check Lines. You'll get more info then. Don't expect the info to be as detailed as ppl like Goswinus generate, I think he built his own prog, but with a little effort you can compile the data you need.
Try that, if you get stuck let me know.

Hope this helps :)

Caution: Checking all history data for sets may take more than 1 hour to to finish, start with say 50 draws, go up from there and see how it goes. You probably have a faster puter than me, so this may not be a problem...


Hi Revy,

Brad is right, I post the best performing sets using my own programs.
I don't know which lottery you play, but if there's a place on the internet where I can get the history, I would be more than happy to most the information you request.



Any chance we could get a copy of the source (GPL'ed source code) ?
There are currently no projects for lotto programs at, so maybe we could start one there.

Myself, I am trying to write stuff (but have little time) in Perl or PHP to use for web access to the data I now have in MySQL tables.


Hi dwoods99,

No chance, sorry.
It's nowhere near something to be released.
Due to constant changes it has become spaghetti code.
I have (too) little time to clean up the code.

But... I'll think about it.


Best performing sets

What do you call best performing sets?

- the ones that provided the most 3 winning numbers;
- the ones that provided the most 4 winning numbers;
- the ones that provided the most 5 winning numbers
- etc.

Or a combination of these or another criteria?
Re: Best performing sets

GillesD said:
What do you call best performing sets?

- the ones that provided the most 3 winning numbers;
- the ones that provided the most 4 winning numbers;
- the ones that provided the most 5 winning numbers
- etc.

Or a combination of these or another criteria?

I can answer that Gilles...Goswinus can provides all of these individually but he also provide a best overall which means all of these criterias put together...
Some sets are search randomly into a huge process of itinirations so it means that with a further search you could find better sets....

Furthermore these sets are reflecting the past you can guess or expect that their trends is going to end or continue for a while (This is what I'm gambling on)....


Goswinus said:
Hi Revy,

Brad is right, I post the best performing sets using my own programs.
I don't know which lottery you play, but if there's a place on the internet where I can get the history, I would be more than happy to most the information you request.


Hi. If you are able to help me with this please check this URL:

You can find all the draws for my lottery from 1998 till now.
I am interested in 15 or 20 number sets that generate 4 or more number matches. Let me know if you can help me with this.



Revy, here are the 15 number sets

4 correct:
03 07 12 17 18 23 24 26 33 39 41 42 46 47 48
0 : 025 (F10 - A3 = 7)
1 : 065 (F4 - A0 = 4)
2 : 075 (F4 - A2 = 2)
3 : 029 (F8 - A6 = 2)
4 : 032 (F8 - A1 = 7)
5 : 000
6 : 001 (F227 - A135 = 92)

5 correct:
04 11 12 13 14 15 21 29 33 36 38 40 41 43 47
0 : 015 (F16 - A30 = -14 ***)
1 : 066 (F4 - A3 = 1)
2 : 079 (F3 - A0 = 3)
3 : 045 (F6 - A9 = -3 ***)
4 : 013 (F18 - A2 = 16)
5 : 009 (F26 - A81 = -55 ***)
6 : 000

6 correct:
02 03 05 07 10 11 14 23 26 28 30 33 35 36 38
0 : 021 (F11 - A5 = 6)
1 : 059 (F4 - A3 = 1)
2 : 089 (F3 - A1 = 2)
3 : 051 (F5 - A0 = 5)
4 : 004 (F57 - A77 = -20 ***)
5 : 000
6 : 003 (F76 - A155 = -79 ***)

13 14 15 17 21 23 29 32 33 34 36 38 40 43 47
0 : 015 (F16 - A30 = -14 ***)
1 : 060 (F4 - A3 = 1)
2 : 067 (F4 - A4 = 0)
3 : 060 (F4 - A0 = 4)
4 : 020 (F12 - A13 = -1 ***)
5 : 004 (F57 - A57 = 0)
6 : 001 (F227 - A168 = 59)

History: 227 draws.


And the 20 number sets...

4 correct:
01 09 11 13 16 18 19 21 22 23 26 29 30 33 34 35 36 39 47 49
0 : 005 (F46 - A2 = 44)
1 : 031 (F8 - A17 = -9 ***)
2 : 063 (F4 - A0 = 4)
3 : 059 (F4 - A4 = 0)
4 : 060 (F4 - A3 = 1)
5 : 008 (F29 - A12 = 17)
6 : 001 (F227 - A198 = 29)

5 correct:
02 07 10 12 15 18 22 23 25 26 28 30 31 33 36 38 39 41 45 49
0 : 007 (F33 - A4 = 29)
1 : 035 (F7 - A1 = 6)
2 : 079 (F3 - A2 = 1)
3 : 058 (F4 - A9 = -5 ***)
4 : 027 (F9 - A0 = 9)
5 : 021 (F11 - A17 = -6 ***)
6 : 000

6 correct:
02 11 13 15 16 17 19 22 24 26 29 30 32 33 38 40 42 43 48 49
0 : 009 (F26 - A8 = 18)
1 : 027 (F9 - A7 = 2)
2 : 071 (F4 - A0 = 4)
3 : 073 (F4 - A1 = 3)
4 : 034 (F7 - A6 = 1)
5 : 006 (F38 - A24 = 14)
6 : 007 (F33 - A10 = 23)

03 05 06 13 15 16 17 18 23 26 29 33 36 38 40 41 43 46 47 48
0 : 010 (F23 - A3 = 20)
1 : 025 (F10 - A7 = 3)
2 : 064 (F4 - A0 = 4)
3 : 066 (F4 - A5 = -1 ***)
4 : 041 (F6 - A1 = 5)
5 : 020 (F12 - A2 = 10)
6 : 001 (F227 - A188 = 39)

