6/49 Discussion For July 26, 2003


Here is what my program says:
(either four, three, or five most of the time from here) :agree:
01 02 03 05 07 08
12 14 15 16 17 19
21 23 24 25 28 29
30 32 33 37 38 39
41 43 44 46 47 48

No more than three from here is most likely:
(3 were here, in the last draw)
04 06 09 10 11 13
18 20 22 26 27 31
34 35 36 40 42 45

For the last 1000 draws, we had the following results:
4 and 2: 337
3 and 3: 263
5 and 1: 238
2 and 4: 086
6 and 0: 050
1 and 5: 023
0 and 6: 003

Good luck to all players:agree2:!



From what I can see, I think we're getting pretty close to the famous 20-43 duo now, too. And watch for the 1 .

Pretty much have my list ready for Sat. but the numbers I'm wondering about that I don't have are 39-40-42-44. Any thoughts on those 4? I'm probably going to include a couple of them at least. :confused:
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From what I see this one is going to the moon ;) :dizzy:

for those who have been paying attention

....or maybe half-way :blush: :clown:
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QUOTE]Originally posted by peter
Here is an interesting statistic.
Last nights draw had only 2 even numbers, 2 and 36, when there has been a draw with ONLY two even numbers, the 2 and 36 have only appeared once before, and that was in draw 1612.
As a side note, the last time we had only two even numbers, in a draw that ends in 5 was draw 1805.


Speaking about repeaters and skips just looking at that 1-11-30 skipping 10 draws.

That 1 looks very good for this one but should also consider 11-30 :agree: These are all good at 10 draws out.

That 30 is one of the best at 11 draws out - could be on deck for the next one :eek:
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Last night we had a width of line of 47. This width has occurred 50 times previous, last in draw 1986. the pair of 2/49, this spread has occurred, 24 out of the 50 times, the last in draw 1977.


My width of line chart says that for draws that end in six, the best two spreads are either 35, or 41.


peter said:
Last night we had a width of line of 47. This width has occurred 50 times previous, last in draw 1986. the pair of 2/49, this spread has occurred, 24 out of the 50 times, the last in draw 1977.
That WofL is high. Might be a good idea to look at the draws around that number - could be some gems there :agree:


peter said:
Mine are :1,7,11,12,32,33,34,44. :lphant:
I'm glad you called that 1 best bet - I knew you would :lol:

Good that you are following Beaker's law with that 12 ;)

You may have 4 or 5 numbers hitting with this one :agree2:

1-7-12 +++ :eek:


Maggie said:
From what I can see, I think we're getting pretty close to the famous 20-43 duo now, too. And watch for the 1 .
I see this duo alot here :agree:

Maybe time to unleash some good good good sets :eek: ;)


vnart said:
Mr. Beaker,

I think the DC5 will skip or have only 1 number.
It may vnart - and you have the right one also ;) :lol:

I don't know we may see a low 40 there - could be 42 or 43 or even that 40.

We'll see. :notme:

Oh and vnart - no need to call me Mr. :no: Beaker is fine :agree:

I like the look of your picks again :agree:

