Sheba said:
There are allot of numbers that have not made a showing in 10 or more draws...(correct me if I am wrong)
4 of these which are in my set....I am betting on the 43 to soon show within the next 3 draws.....
I used 49/6 and past 10 last Draws:
There are 19 such Numbers:
During the last 40 Draws we should have
an average of 93 numbers coming from that group but actually we had only 66
So this group is behind 27 numbers.
If we test this group vs the game's history we should have the following:
Sx Thoer. Actual Diff.
0 87........94 = +8
1 395......380 =-15
2 683.......640 =-43
3 573........586 =+13
4 246........262 = +16
5 51...........72 = +21
6 4............4 = 0
In general, for the last 40 draws these numbers are behind.
But in the overall history these numbers
are more successful producing 5 wins 4 wins and 3 wins