These are all abbreviations for specific phrases commonly used in informal written computer correspondence.
AFAIC As far as I'm concerned
AFAIK As far as I know
BRB Be right back
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
BUAG Butt-ugly ASCII graphic
C/C Comments and criticism
FAQ Frequently Asked Question. .
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information
HTH Hope this helps
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IOW In other words
LOL Laughing out loud
MOTAS Member of the appropriate sex
MOTOS Member of the opposite sex
MOTSS Member of the same sex
NG Newsgroup
OTOH On the other hand
RL Real Life, as opposed to the Internet
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RTFM Read The Fine Manual.
SO Significant other.
TLA Three letter acronym
WTF What the heck
YMMH You might mean here
YMMV Your mileage may vary
I found these here , may be of use to some ... helped me .
AFAIC As far as I'm concerned
AFAIK As far as I know
BRB Be right back
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
BUAG Butt-ugly ASCII graphic
C/C Comments and criticism
FAQ Frequently Asked Question. .
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information
HTH Hope this helps
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IOW In other words
LOL Laughing out loud
MOTAS Member of the appropriate sex
MOTOS Member of the opposite sex
MOTSS Member of the same sex
NG Newsgroup
OTOH On the other hand
RL Real Life, as opposed to the Internet
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RTFM Read The Fine Manual.
SO Significant other.
TLA Three letter acronym
WTF What the heck
YMMH You might mean here
YMMV Your mileage may vary
I found these here , may be of use to some ... helped me .