Write your own lottery software...


hello everybody!

i noticed there are quite a few developers in this forum, so i'd like to point your attention to our expert lotto software. it's a lottery software written in java programming language and the basic version is free.
one of the interesting features of expert lotto is that it is possible to write plug-in modules that extend its basic functionality. so you can add new statistics, charts, filters etc with just a few lines of code (it's just basic manipulation of an array of numbers).
we're getting more feature requests from our expert lotto users than we can handle. so i was wondering if anybody in this forum would be interested in writing expert lotto plugins. i can provide example source code and other support.

p.s. if this post is considered as advertising then i apologize and pls remove it.


nobody's interested? it's really simple - you'll get an array of numbers for each line in the winning numbers database to pick the stats values you're interested in (e.g. odd/even ratio) and expert lotto framework will automagically add a stats table (occurrences, percentage, latest hit, min/max/avg skip, rank, due ...), charts and you can also invoke filter from the stats table to filter (out) the stats values you (don't) like. the stats tables are exportable to e.g. ms excel
some examples are already available for download.

