hi, my name is peter, and i am an alcoho.........................
whoops, wrong forum....................
i am here to steal maggie's numbers and win the lottery.......
whoops............i am here to win the lottery (nice going, maggie)....
i am here because it's there.............................i am here because of my fourth grade crush on a girl named wendy.................
i am here for enlightenment...............although deep down inside, i know the whole thing is silly..........
i am here because it assuages something in what i write which is part of a larger group, and requires some interaction, sort of halfway between the television and the personal face-to-face conversation............
i am here because i enjoy the reactions posted immediately after each draw..............
the forum is just another microcosm in which we live........
i am here to buy brad and combomaniac a beer should i win something worthwhile..........................