Wheel submitted for comments


Hi all,

The following wheel is submitted to the public for open criticism and comment.

For my 45 +1 game, I've made this best of 12# with best of 28# with 36 numbers total wheel using "Covermaster". The game in my country (Singapore) only pays out money for a match 3+1 ($20) or match 4($30) and above.

I started out with a 12# 4 IF 4 at 50% setting and then locked it at 16 combinations. I then increased the # to 28 and locked it at 4 IF 6 for 36%. After that, I then increased the # to 36 and locked it at 4 IF 7 for 36% for a total of 60 tickets.

The Overall Wheel Design Strategy:
1.The 1st 12#s (made up of a good and consistently hitting 12# set) have a good %age coverage of capturing multiple lower tier prizes and hitting a high # prize based on the covermaster percentage analysis due to smaller N involved.

2.The next 28#s set (inclusive of the best 12) form the 1st line of defensive backup in trying to capture all winning numbers (4IF6 has 1/22 odds). Buying more numbers increases the chances of capturing more winning numbers.

3.The next 36#s set (inclusive of the above numbers) have a better chance of capturing more winning numbers as a larger “net” is cast. They form the 2nd line of defensive backup as the odds of capturing all 6+1 numbers are relatively good (1/5 odds) and 37% coverage of winning 4IF7.

Total cost of buying 60 tickets is $30 bucks in my country.

The overall idea is to try to play the lottery for free, i.e., break even!!!

The wheel is as follows:-
1 2 3 5 6 9 <<
1 2 3 8 11 12 <<
1 2 4 5 7 8 <<
1 2 4 9 10 12 <<
1 2 6 7 10 11 <<
1 3 4 6 8 10 <<
1 3 4 7 9 11 <<
1 3 5 7 10 12 <<
1 8 19 22 25 27 <<
1 9 14 15 19 21 <<
1 13 17 31 32 35
1 14 16 20 23 26 <<
1 24 25 29 33 34
2 3 4 5 10 11 <<
2 3 4 6 7 12 <<
2 3 7 8 9 10 <<
2 4 13 15 25 26 <<
2 5 6 8 10 12 <<
2 13 20 30 32 33
2 14 17 23 24 27 <<
2 16 17 18 21 22 <<
2 25 28 31 35 36
3 4 5 8 9 12 <<
3 6 9 10 11 12 <<
3 13 20 22 24 28 <<
3 15 16 19 20 27 <<
3 18 21 24 25 26 <<
3 18 23 33 34 35
4 5 6 7 9 10 <<
4 6 16 21 23 27 <<
4 7 8 10 11 12 <<
4 14 17 18 19 20 <<
4 22 28 30 32 34
5 8 20 21 26 28 <<
5 11 13 14 16 25 <<
5 11 15 17 22 23 <<
5 11 18 20 24 27 <<
5 16 19 30 31 34
5 26 27 29 32 35
6 8 13 14 15 18 <<
6 9 20 22 23 25 <<
6 11 17 19 26 28 <<
6 15 24 30 35 36
7 12 15 18 22 26 <<
7 12 16 17 24 25 <<
7 13 19 21 23 24 <<
7 14 21 22 27 28 <<
7 20 27 31 33 36
8 9 15 16 24 28 <<
8 17 23 29 30 36
9 12 13 17 26 27 <<
9 14 18 29 30 31
10 13 16 18 27 28 <<
10 14 19 22 24 26 <<
10 15 17 20 21 25 <<
10 15 23 31 32 34
10 16 22 29 33 35
11 13 21 29 34 36
12 14 21 32 33 36
12 18 19 23 25 28 <<

(<< are locked "covermaster" lines).

The covermaster Stats are as follows:-
BEST 12N 4F4 48% (16 Tickets)
T if M Tested Covered % Not Covered %
4 If 4 : 495 240 48.48485 255 51.51515
4 If 5 : 792 747 94.31818 45 5.68182
4 If 6 : 924 918 99.35065 6 0.64935
4 If 7 : 792 792 100.00000 0 0.00000
5 If 5 : 792 96 12.12121 696 87.87879
5 If 6 : 924 592 64.06926 332 35.93074
5 If 7 : 792 745 94.06566 47 5.93434
6 If 7 : 792 96 12.12121 696 87.87879

Next BEST 28N COMBINED WITH 12 4F6 37% (44 Tickets cumulative)
T if M Tested Covered % Not Covered %
4 If 4 : 20,475 660 3.22344 19,815 96.77656
4 If 5 : 98,280 13,995 14.23993 84,285 85.76007
4 If 6 : 376,740 136,646 36.27064 240,094 63.72936
4 If 7 : 1,184,040 716,677 60.52811 467,363 39.47189
5 If 5 : 98,280 264 0.26862 98,016 99.73138
5 If 6 : 376,740 5,852 1.55333 370,888 98.44667
5 If 7 : 1,184,040 61,161 5.16545 1,122,879 94.83455
6 If 7 : 1,184,040 968 0.08175 1,183,072 99.91825

COMBINED 36N 4F737% STATS (60 Tickets cumulative total)
T if M Tested Covered % Not Covered %
4 If 4 : 58,905 900 1.52788 58,005 98.47212
4 If 5 : 376,992 26,571 7.04816 350,421 92.95184
4 If 6 : 1,947,792 372,226 19.11015 1,575,566 80.88985
4 If 7 : 8,347,680 3,069,059 36.76541 5,278,621 63.23459
5 If 5 : 376,992 360 0.09549 376,632 99.90451
5 If 6 : 1,947,792 10,860 0.55755 1,936,932 99.44245
5 If 7 : 8,347,680 157,609 1.88806 8,190,071 98.11194
6 If 7 : 8,347,680 1,800 0.02156 8,345,880 99.97844

Please share any comments/suggestions for improvement.

Thank you!


