What's the best wheel generation software?


I use lottery wheels and I think that they really improve the chances of winning. The game still follow the laws of physics and the balls aren't really perfect, so, with some analysis, you can sometimes find some patterns of imperfection and take that into your advantage. Lottery wheels allow you to explore those patterns the best!
I find a lot of discussions on this site about the best wheels and they normally are qualified only on size! In my experience, the best wheel is not necessarily the smallest. Things like number distribution is also important.
Some time ago, I made some investigation on the net to find the best software tool to help me build my wheels. The best system I found is <<< link removed >>>This is the only system I ever found with dynamic choosing of different methods, together with filters and calculation on-the-fly.
I started this thread to get input from all of you if you know other systems with other calculation methods, even if they are paid, I don't mind to pay if I get what I need :agree:
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Hi JackpotMe,
I wrote a basic wheeling system a while ago.

You select number of balls in lotto, number of balls in wheel, number of rows in your wheel, ticket size, size of draw, and grain(the number of random draws to use in the probability check).
It basically generates an initial random selection. It then compares the combined probabilities of the rows hitting, mutates a random row slightly and repeats the process indefinitely. Once you see there's no improvement in the wheel's percentages, you click the stop button.

You can download it from http://www.onyxsa.co.za/timedesign/LottoWheel.zip



hiya Patrick,

LottoWheel is nifty! I like how it is dynamic, displayin percentage chance based upon number of tickets & criteria selected.

it is more practical to tweak for decent percentage coverage, rather than trying to play a full wheel, especially from a large number pool.

blitzed :thumb:


Hi blitzed,

Thanks, I agree, it seemed much more meaningful knowing these percentages and tweaking them, compared to the other standard wheel generating methods. :)

I'd say it falls into the category of 'Hill Climbing with Simulated Annealing' that I read in the http://www.ccrwest.org/cover/cover.pdf from the site you gave.



Hi Patrick, blitzed,

Thank you both for your replies!
The covering designs on ccrwest are the classical full-coverings-trying-to-break-the world-record :) . They are of course very interesting and I use them sometimes.
In my opinion, the LottoWheel system is much more interesting (thanks Patrick) because you can define the size of your wheel and get an uniform number distribution. This is what I like most on your system. You are probably using a genetic algorithm, right?
On the other hand, what I like on <<< link removed >>> system is the combination of different methods with a lot of filters (specially the group filter, which is very powerful). With the filters you can control the distribution of numbers, giving more benefit to some groups and thus combining very well the wheeling with the statistical analysis.
I would like very much to see a system combining the advantages of LottoWheel and TheLottoSite. Is this in your future plans, Patrick? :idee:
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Hello Patrick123,

Thank you for putting out lottowheel, but I cannot get it to
work with 5 number lotto. When I change 6 in Size of ticket to 5 your program puts up a dialog that says not enough tickets for this. I assume it should work with 5 numbers because I can change the ticket size to 5, so I must be doing something wrong, or , does your program really only work with 6 number lottos?

Thank you,


Patrick123 said:
Hi blitzed,

Thanks, I agree, it seemed much more meaningful knowing these percentages and tweaking them, compared to the other standard wheel generating methods. :)

I'd say it falls into the category of 'Hill Climbing with Simulated Annealing' that I read in the http://www.ccrwest.org/cover/cover.pdf from the site you gave.


hiya Patrick,

precisely :)

exactly :)



hiya JerryM,

awww, too bad...yes I'd like to use it for a Fantasy5 game.

perhaps Patrick will fix it for us. :bounce2:



Hi All,
The program was originally written for a 6/49 game, I see now where it's complaining about 5 balls only, and will modify it. Watch this space today or tomorrow. It was a very rudimentary program to start with, but I'll start adding in some bells & whistles.



Hi All,
I've modified the program, so it should work on the Fantasy5 game. I have not tested it extensively, so let me know if there are any problems. I will still be adding in some features, as time goes by :)


Hello Patrick123,

Thank you for fixing your program to work with 5 number lotteries. However there is still a bug there somewhere.

When I use it for a 5 number lottery the program will not work right if I use anything but 5 in #Drawn.

With Match 3 of 4, the Position numbers will go to multiples of whatever is the amount of balls that you use. Example.
Total Numbers Balls Ticket Size Match NumDrawn
39 20 5 3 4

will work toward 20 in pos 3, 4 and 5 in all tickets.

With Match 3 of 3 the pos 1 will go to 0 in all tickets



Hi JerryM,

I was busy checking... Okay, I did not do much error checking... but what I do not understand, is how can the 'company' draw only 4 balls when the ticket size is 5??? does not compute for for me, please explain and I will adjust the program accordingly.

At this stage, I've done no changes until I understand the problem.



Hello Patrick123,

I am talking about 3 of 4 of the 5 positions drawn.
Or 3 of 3 etc.
I assume that is what the #Drawn means?
I used 5 for Ticket Size
I used 3 for Match
I used 3, 4 or 5 for #Drawn
Since the 5 for Ticket Size is for Positions 1-5, and 3 for Match Numbers, I assumed that #Drawn was what you wanted to set your wheel for.

As in a 39 number lottery, 20 balls to use, 5 numbers picked, 3 numbers Matched from 3,4, or 5 correct numbers in the 20 picked to make your wheel of
number of ticket size.



Hello bloubul,

Thank you very much for the offer, but I have a full wheel generator.
I like the sound of Patrick123's inhanced version.



Hi JerryM,
I understand now, thanks. The #Drawn is actually the number of balls that get drawn. e.g. even though the the ticket size is 5, they might draw 6 balls, the 6th usually being a Bonus or Booster ball, so this allows you to take this ball into account. If you don't have the bonus/booster ball, then this would be the same number as the size of the number of balls in a ticket.

I hope I make sense now :)


