What you like & What to add


add or change

Hi nick
Can you please add or change the folowing on the Hit/skip table:
1-change Hits above NB with Skips.
2-Add colored number instead of bold numbers.
3-In column NB .Highlight them with coded color for exemple if they are hot red etc...
4-In row Hits higlight the most frequency skips like 5,7 or 10 etc..
I mean if a lots of numbers Hit when they are at skip 7 for exemple :the most high skip the number had made.

So the user can see a lots of things on the hit/skip table.

Also to have another second tool to choose number can you make a table for Hit/Skip just for last digit of numbers Ending.Can you imagine how low it will be the set of numbers to play by combinig the Hit/Skip table of numbers and the Hit/Skip of last digit of numbers???
Best regards.

Re: add or change

morocco said:
Hi nick
Can you please add or change the folowing on the Hit/skip table:
1-change Hits above NB with Skips.
2-Add colored number instead of bold numbers.
3-In column NB .Highlight them with coded color for exemple if they are hot red etc...
4-In row Hits higlight the most frequency skips like 5,7 or 10 etc..
I mean if a lots of numbers Hit when they are at skip 7 for exemple :the most high skip the number had made.

So the user can see a lots of things on the hit/skip table.

Also to have another second tool to choose number can you make a table for Hit/Skip just for last digit of numbers Ending.Can you imagine how low it will be the set of numbers to play by combinig the Hit/Skip table of numbers and the Hit/Skip of last digit of numbers???
Best regards.


Thanks morocco,

Actually we will revise this subroutine
to become a Multiple Skips Table.
If we want
* Single digits we input NB
* Decades = DE
* Ending Numbers = ED
* 1/12 of all Numbers in sequnce = 12

or any other logical and small in size
group of numbers.

I'll give it a try and we will see the results.

Does your table on Keno works now?



NO isteel have this error shwing up:
Eror 9(subscript out of range)in procedure
Do_Hit_Frequency of Module Module 6.

New version 113 uploaded.

113 8/28/2003 Redesigned Hit/Skips to accommodate Multiple Categories
113 8/28/2003 Added: Leap Froggers

Some explanations:
1. If a numbers is a double "Leap Frogger"
is shown twice.

2. The Hit/Skips Table now accommodates:

NB = numbers from 1 to Pool size
LD = Ending numbers
C2-C9 = Consecutive of size 2 to 9

So if you enter type C4 you will get
a table for all numbers in order of 4 consecutive numbers like
'05060708 etc

Any other ideas /comments always welcome

More ideas needed!

Please post your comments!

1. What kind of Graphs you wish to see?
2. Other reports?
3. Something you saw on other software and you wish to incorporate here.
4. Better Help Files?

Does anybody understands the reports?



What you want to be add

Hi Nick.

My english it's not very good but i'll try to expalin what
i want you to add to Skips Table:

Above the raw Hit/Location (or add in another Table) can you
add :
in coln Skip 1 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 10
in coln Skip 2 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 6
in coln Skip 3 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 7
in coln Skip 4 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 3
in coln Skip 5the total of higlihgted NB exemple 8
in coln Skip 6 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 2
in coln Skip 7 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 1
in coln Skip 8 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 2
in coln Skip 9 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 2
in coln Skip 10 the total of higlihgted NB exemple 1

Now in another raw
How many NB they have been draw from the 10 higlihted in coln skip 1 exemple 4
How many NB they have been draw from the 6 higlihted in coln skip 2 exemple 1
How many NB they have been draw from the 7 higlihted in coln skip 3 exemple 0
How many NB they have been draw from the 3 higlihted in coln skip 4 exemple 1
How many NB they have been draw from the 8 higlihted in coln skip 5 exemple 2
How many NB they have been draw from the 2 higlihted in coln skip 6 exemple 0
How many NB they have been draw from the 1 higlihted in coln skip 7 exemple 0
How many NB they have been draw from the 2 higlihted in coln skip 8 exemple 0
How many NB they have been draw from the 2 higlihted in coln skip 9 exemple 1
How many NB they have been draw from the 1 higlihted in coln skip 10 exemple 0

May be you understand.
Say we have 241 draws.In the Skips Table the "How many NB"
will be blank or = to 0.But the "Total of Hig.." will be = to the total
of numbers in that Skip col.
And if we enter in "Duration" 240 draws In skips Table will have
the "How many NB " = at the total of NB They have been out from that Skip col.
I hope you got the idea!!
If none i'll send an exemple on an XL table.
Thank you.



the database downloads don't work, keep getting 'page not found', not sure if it's a prob only from this end.
I don't need the files but those who do may not be able to download,



Last digit

Hi Nick

I think you should make a Skips Table for Last Digit like what you have done for Numbers:

Skips | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ETc...
LD | | | | | | |.......
0 | |.......
1 |......
2 |....
3 |.....
4 |..............
5 |..............
6 |.............
7 |...............
8 |.................
9 |..............

And highlihgte the one that they are etc....
Best regards.
Re: Last digit

morocco said:
Hi Nick

I think you should make a Skips Table for Last Digit like what you have done for Numbers:

Skips | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ETc...
LD | | | | | | |.......
0 | |.......
1 |......
2 |....
3 |.....
4 |..............
5 |..............
6 |.............
7 |...............
8 |.................
9 |..............

And highlihgte the one that they are etc....
Best regards.

Hi morocco,

The tables are exactly the same
See below:

Hit/Skip Table for: UK 649 between Draws 1 and 801 ( 801 ) Draws for Ending Numbers
Skips 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0111213141 230 115 48 22 13 3 2 1
0212223242 257 107 45 20 8 6 3 2
0313233343 237 102 65 19 9 4 2
0414243444 248 108 39 17 15 6 3 2
0515253545 239 115 52 24 8 3 2 1
0616263646 242 108 51 19 7 5 3 2 1
0717273747 236 112 52 26 3 8 1 1
0818283848 266 105 48 25 7 4 2 1
0919293949 226 113 52 22 9 5 2 2
0010203040 174 93 51 17 11 9 6 7 1

Hit/Location 2355 1078 503 211 90 53 24 15 4 3 0 1

4337 1982 904 401 190 100 47 23 8 4 1 1
% Hits 0.543 0.544 0.556 0.526 0.474 0.53 0.511 0.652 0.5 0.75 0 1

Under NB
0111213141 = the numbers ending with 1

230 = hits at the 1st position
115 = hits when have missed the 1st position and have hit at position 2
48 = hits when have missed positions 1 & 2 and have hit at position 3

and so on....

The hightailed column indicates the position that group of numbers stands for the upcoming draw.

At the bottom are all the statistics per Skip position

Is that clear?
Brad said:

the database downloads don't work, keep getting 'page not found', not sure if it's a prob only from this end.
I don't need the files but those who do may not be able to download,


Hi Brad,

I'll look into it.

Dennis Bassboss said:
Good..in the meantime I will work on something else regarding announcers.... :eek:


I'm almost done.

I use the following twist as indicators.

Instead of using only the last Draw's
numbers we can use multiple Backward draws to announce This Draws numbers.

Do you think that this is a good idea?

Nick Koutras said:

I'm almost done.

I use the following twist as indicators.

Instead of using only the last Draw's
numbers we can use multiple Backward draws to announce This Draws numbers.

Do you think that this is a good idea?

I have done something like that before...It could help capturing a trend line...It will also create many histories within histories...But remember everything has to be put in its context.. :)


I would like to be able to run the program. I don't have excel, just QuattroPro10. I tried loading it as an excel program & Q10 crashed. Any suggestions for me? TIA

