Lotto Tutor
This posting is in response to SeanKM's question in comments>welcome about filters.
For those that are not familiar with filters, SeanKM is asking a very good question about how to limit a large number of bets down to their absolutely fewest but most effective combinations for sucessful play. The study and use of filters really brings us to the essential understanding of intellegent lottery play in all of its aspects ... meaning that the best way to play the lottery is knowing what ticket combinations NOT to bet. Contrary to what the "random number, quick pick" supporters advocate, there are bet combinations that are just never going to occur. Well maybe not never but certainly not within the next trillion years.
Filters delete these "aren't going to happen" bet combinations out of our plays so that we can save our money to bet on combinations that will have a higher probability of occurance.
For example lets say that a smart lottery player like SeanKM selects a group of 20 numbers. These numbers could be from LT's top 20 (hopefully from one of the groups that contains 5 or 6 accurate predictions ... which occurs several times a year) or they could be from his own analysis, intuition etc. (just don't use your birthday numbers for betting as so many players do ... see my tip on "You Won't Win the Lottery on Your Birthday" for more info). He would then play these numbers in the most effective combinations by using an abbreviated lottery wheel which would produce many ticket combinations with all of his numbers spread fairly evenly and at roughly the same frequency of occurrance throughout the bets/lines. (Please refer to the tips article on wheels for more info.) OK .. so now he has a set of bets that will guarantee a win or wins for him if the original 20 number pool contains X number of draw hits. For example a wheel could guarantee at least one winning ticket at the 4 number pize level if the 20 number pool contains at least 5 hits for that draw. (The wheels usually produce a lot more winners than their minimum guarantee.) This is all very good except that the wheel generates and subsequently requires the player to play 60 tickets for example. Not everyone may wish to bet $60 twice a week for the wait until the 20 number pool contains 5 or 6 winners. Although I must say that if someone was wealthy and methodical enough to do this consistently, they would have a high probability of hitting the BIG WIN several times a year.
Unfortunately most of us are not that wealthy to play that way so this is where filters come in!!
A player can take the 60 tickets from the wheel in our example and shave them down to lets say 10 bets by "filtering out" those bet combinations that have the least probability of occurrance. Please note that filtering of a wheel's bet combinations will abandon the wheel's guarantee but many would be happy with this trade off for fewer more focused bets.
There are many filters all related to the complex spectrum of lottery analysis.
Some filters are as follows: ODD/EVEN - the balance between odd and even numbers in the six number bet/line/ticket; SUM VALUES - what do all of the numbers add up to?; PREVIOUS PICKS - how many numbers from the last draw are repeated in this draw's bets?; ROOT SUM - from 1 to 9, what is the root sum of the numbers on the line?; DUPLICATE 10s - how many numbers are within 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 etc.?; ABOVE or BELOW MEDIAN - how many numbers under 25 versus over 25?; FRONT and END DIGITS - the frequency of the numbers ocurring in the first digits or second digits; GAMES OUT - include or exclude numbers that have not "hit" in the previous X number of draws; CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS - 21,22,23,24,25,26 isn't going to happen in our lifetime; and the list of filters could go on and on.
All the good lottery software will provide the ability to filter the bets that are generated from your original number pools and associated wheeling process but before you go out and spend thousands of dollars getting all of the top software programs let's just use some common sense filtering techniques.
Once you have all of your ticket combinations from a wheel or any other method simply discard the following combinations:
Any bet/line that does not have at least 1 odd or even number.
Any bet/line that has all of the numbers above or below 25.
Don't have more than 2 consecutive numbers occurring more than 2 times on one ticket.
Do have at least 1 number from the previous draw but no more than 3 from the recent winners. (if memory serves me correctly .. there has never been more than 3 numbers from the last draw repeated in the next ... please send in an example of more if anyone is aware of this ocurrrance and I will do a database scan later to check on this).
Don't include a lot of "cold" numbers that have been out of play for a long time based upon the assumption that they are now bound to hit. You have a lot better chance of picking a winner with a "hot" number that has hit in the recent past draws and is now "in the trend".
As SeanKM has asked what filters that I belive to be the most effective? .. I've saved the best - most important for the last comments. The sum value factor/filter is arguably the most important factor in discarding number combinations that just will never occur. I say arguably because my lottery analysis peers will have some valid points of experience for the emphasis of the importance of other filters but It is my firm contention that this is the only filter that can assure the player of what combinations will never occur.
Now I can hear all of the random number advocates arising with their usual statements of "all numbers have an equal probability of occurrance", "the lottery (like a roulette wheel) has no memory", "a quick pick has an equal chance of a win compared to a thoughfully analysed and filtered bet" etc. etc.
Well lets look at the facts:
The lotto 649 allows for a sum range of 21 (1+2+3+4+5+6) to 279 (44+45+46+47+48+49).
In the entire history of the Canadian 649 since 1982, the upper and lower sum ranges simply do not occur with any frequency whatsoever ... granted based upon the the much lesser number combinations of the middle ranges ... but nevertheless true.
The lowest sum that has ever happened in one draw result was 45 and the highest sum that has ever ocurred is 247. The median sum range is 152
The sum range of 124 to 179 accounts for only 21.6% of the full spectrum of sums but 60.6% of all draws occuur within this range.
Let me provide some advice to save you $1 .... don't bet 1,2,3,4,5,6 ... save another dollar .... don't bet 44,45,46,47,48,49.
The message from the sum values filter is clear ... make sure that your bets/lines add up to no less than 100 and no more than 200 and you will be in postion to cash in a lot more winning tickets.
(Just a note for those that really want to get into very deep sum value filter analysis ... VersaBet from produces the best software for this particular aspect of lottery analysis. Their program alows the user to filter the filter ie analyse the frequency/occurance etc. of the various sum ranges ... be warned .. only for the very obssesive/compulsive lottery analysis types
All the Best of Lotto Luck to All
All the Best of Lotto Luck to You!
For those that are not familiar with filters, SeanKM is asking a very good question about how to limit a large number of bets down to their absolutely fewest but most effective combinations for sucessful play. The study and use of filters really brings us to the essential understanding of intellegent lottery play in all of its aspects ... meaning that the best way to play the lottery is knowing what ticket combinations NOT to bet. Contrary to what the "random number, quick pick" supporters advocate, there are bet combinations that are just never going to occur. Well maybe not never but certainly not within the next trillion years.
Filters delete these "aren't going to happen" bet combinations out of our plays so that we can save our money to bet on combinations that will have a higher probability of occurance.
For example lets say that a smart lottery player like SeanKM selects a group of 20 numbers. These numbers could be from LT's top 20 (hopefully from one of the groups that contains 5 or 6 accurate predictions ... which occurs several times a year) or they could be from his own analysis, intuition etc. (just don't use your birthday numbers for betting as so many players do ... see my tip on "You Won't Win the Lottery on Your Birthday" for more info). He would then play these numbers in the most effective combinations by using an abbreviated lottery wheel which would produce many ticket combinations with all of his numbers spread fairly evenly and at roughly the same frequency of occurrance throughout the bets/lines. (Please refer to the tips article on wheels for more info.) OK .. so now he has a set of bets that will guarantee a win or wins for him if the original 20 number pool contains X number of draw hits. For example a wheel could guarantee at least one winning ticket at the 4 number pize level if the 20 number pool contains at least 5 hits for that draw. (The wheels usually produce a lot more winners than their minimum guarantee.) This is all very good except that the wheel generates and subsequently requires the player to play 60 tickets for example. Not everyone may wish to bet $60 twice a week for the wait until the 20 number pool contains 5 or 6 winners. Although I must say that if someone was wealthy and methodical enough to do this consistently, they would have a high probability of hitting the BIG WIN several times a year.
Unfortunately most of us are not that wealthy to play that way so this is where filters come in!!
A player can take the 60 tickets from the wheel in our example and shave them down to lets say 10 bets by "filtering out" those bet combinations that have the least probability of occurrance. Please note that filtering of a wheel's bet combinations will abandon the wheel's guarantee but many would be happy with this trade off for fewer more focused bets.
There are many filters all related to the complex spectrum of lottery analysis.
Some filters are as follows: ODD/EVEN - the balance between odd and even numbers in the six number bet/line/ticket; SUM VALUES - what do all of the numbers add up to?; PREVIOUS PICKS - how many numbers from the last draw are repeated in this draw's bets?; ROOT SUM - from 1 to 9, what is the root sum of the numbers on the line?; DUPLICATE 10s - how many numbers are within 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 etc.?; ABOVE or BELOW MEDIAN - how many numbers under 25 versus over 25?; FRONT and END DIGITS - the frequency of the numbers ocurring in the first digits or second digits; GAMES OUT - include or exclude numbers that have not "hit" in the previous X number of draws; CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS - 21,22,23,24,25,26 isn't going to happen in our lifetime; and the list of filters could go on and on.
All the good lottery software will provide the ability to filter the bets that are generated from your original number pools and associated wheeling process but before you go out and spend thousands of dollars getting all of the top software programs let's just use some common sense filtering techniques.
Once you have all of your ticket combinations from a wheel or any other method simply discard the following combinations:
Any bet/line that does not have at least 1 odd or even number.
Any bet/line that has all of the numbers above or below 25.
Don't have more than 2 consecutive numbers occurring more than 2 times on one ticket.
Do have at least 1 number from the previous draw but no more than 3 from the recent winners. (if memory serves me correctly .. there has never been more than 3 numbers from the last draw repeated in the next ... please send in an example of more if anyone is aware of this ocurrrance and I will do a database scan later to check on this).
Don't include a lot of "cold" numbers that have been out of play for a long time based upon the assumption that they are now bound to hit. You have a lot better chance of picking a winner with a "hot" number that has hit in the recent past draws and is now "in the trend".
As SeanKM has asked what filters that I belive to be the most effective? .. I've saved the best - most important for the last comments. The sum value factor/filter is arguably the most important factor in discarding number combinations that just will never occur. I say arguably because my lottery analysis peers will have some valid points of experience for the emphasis of the importance of other filters but It is my firm contention that this is the only filter that can assure the player of what combinations will never occur.
Now I can hear all of the random number advocates arising with their usual statements of "all numbers have an equal probability of occurrance", "the lottery (like a roulette wheel) has no memory", "a quick pick has an equal chance of a win compared to a thoughfully analysed and filtered bet" etc. etc.
Well lets look at the facts:
The lotto 649 allows for a sum range of 21 (1+2+3+4+5+6) to 279 (44+45+46+47+48+49).
In the entire history of the Canadian 649 since 1982, the upper and lower sum ranges simply do not occur with any frequency whatsoever ... granted based upon the the much lesser number combinations of the middle ranges ... but nevertheless true.
The lowest sum that has ever happened in one draw result was 45 and the highest sum that has ever ocurred is 247. The median sum range is 152
The sum range of 124 to 179 accounts for only 21.6% of the full spectrum of sums but 60.6% of all draws occuur within this range.
Let me provide some advice to save you $1 .... don't bet 1,2,3,4,5,6 ... save another dollar .... don't bet 44,45,46,47,48,49.
The message from the sum values filter is clear ... make sure that your bets/lines add up to no less than 100 and no more than 200 and you will be in postion to cash in a lot more winning tickets.
(Just a note for those that really want to get into very deep sum value filter analysis ... VersaBet from produces the best software for this particular aspect of lottery analysis. Their program alows the user to filter the filter ie analyse the frequency/occurance etc. of the various sum ranges ... be warned .. only for the very obssesive/compulsive lottery analysis types

All the Best of Lotto Luck to All
All the Best of Lotto Luck to You!