We have another new member...



....And don't forget to salute the "FLAG"!...

Hahaaaaaah, great sense of humor---spoken like a true "jarhead!" Ye hast

my vote...:rolling:




Welcome Doctor Who. What's your favourite lottery? I presume when not on Gallifrey you'd be in the UK doing the 659?


Hi Icewynd and Frank,

Ice? What do you mean, "Used to"? You don't watch me anymore?

And Frank, I am not in the UK despite the moniker...lol...I am just a huge fan of the Doctor, I go back to the 1st Doctor back in 1963...and I aint telling how young I am...lol

Thanks for the welcome you two!!!!!!

Good Luck!!!!!!

Opps and Frank, I love playing the pick 3 and pick 4 in Pennsylvania...used to love playing the big jackpot games when I used to have a program an employee wrote for me back in the 80's that produced winners until he lost it....lol


DoctorWho said:
Ice? What do you mean, "Used to"? You don't watch me anymore?
Nah, I'm a fan of the classic Doctor from back in the day. I find the current version too dark.

DoctorWho said:
Opps and Frank, I love playing the pick 3 and pick 4 in Pennsylvania...used to love playing the big jackpot games when I used to have a program an employee wrote for me back in the 80's that produced winners until he lost it....lol
Wow! How to get fired!

Good Luck!

