Wanted number combination generating software


:help: Hello :)

I am very new here and still learning the lotto jargon.

Firstly I am NOT searching for software which predicts or generates numbers either randomly or from previous results.

Does anyone know of or recomend any simple software for Lotto6/49 style lotteries that will:

1.allow me to insert my own numbers and generate all the possible number combinations.
2.allow me to KEY certain numbers and create combinations with inserted non-keyed numbers.

Then I can choose the combinations i wish to play.

Any suggestions would be appreciated as i have searched out many products and am quite overwhelmed by the amount available.
It appears that most products out there generate numbers based on someone else's system or design.
I have my own way of generating numbers but have difficulty creating combinations for them.


Hello 946ottol,

I'm not familiar with lottery software, however I guess you are lookin for somethin that offers lottery wheels, templates within which you drop your pool of numbers to generate the combinations. You don't really need a program to do that, you just need the wheel templates that you can do search & replace on for your own numbers.

How many numbers are in your pool?

I have a 6/49 page, of interest to you may be the 6/49 Lottery Cover Wheels section, whereya can plug in 10 or 16 numbers, then you are given 10 picks which offer a base guarantee match if a few draw numbers come from your pool.

This is my favorite site for lottery wheels:

This wheel for example would be for base match 3 from a pool of 14 numbers in 25 picks:

While this one would be for a base 4 match from a pool of 11 numbers in 32 picks:

It all depends on what prize you are chasing, and how much faith you have in your pool of numbers.



946ottol said:
:help: Hello :)

I am very new here and still learning the lotto jargon.

Firstly I am NOT searching for software which predicts or generates numbers either randomly or from previous results.

Does anyone know of or recomend any simple software for Lotto6/49 style lotteries that will:

1.allow me to insert my own numbers and generate all the possible number combinations.
2.allow me to KEY certain numbers and create combinations with inserted non-keyed numbers.

Then I can choose the combinations i wish to play.

Any suggestions would be appreciated as i have searched out many products and am quite overwhelmed by the amount available.
It appears that most products out there generate numbers based on someone else's system or design.
I have my own way of generating numbers but have difficulty creating combinations for them.

Well, if you are lucky enough, maybe someone could make you a macro for that. I believe GilesD already made macro that will make all possible combinations, or even, if I remember good, GillesD and Pab were talking here about a similar thing that you are looking for, and macro for it, and much more. Therefore, for beginning, try just local searching with names : GillesD Pab and macro
If you're looking for complete number combinations, Gail Howard's Full Wheel Generator is good for that. It will give you all possible combinations for the numbers you input. See more about it here: www.smartluck.com/fwg.htm

She also has balanced wheels which take the numbers you input and sort into the best combinations to get you the different minimum win guarantees. You could choose how many numbers you want to wheel based on total combinations you can afford to buy or win guarantee you're looking for. I've used these systems with good results. I find them much easier than selecting some combinations myself from a huge group like you mentioned.

Good luck!
scamcatcher said:
If you're looking for complete number combinations, Gail Howard's Full Wheel Generator is good for that. It will give you all possible combinations for the numbers you input. See more about it here: www.smartluck.com/fwg.htm

She also has balanced wheels which take the numbers you input and sort into the best combinations to get you the different minimum win guarantees. You could choose how many numbers you want to wheel based on total combinations you can afford to buy or win guarantee you're looking for. I've used these systems with good results. I find them much easier than selecting some combinations myself from a huge group like you mentioned.

Good luck!

Insta piks are still the best way to play and pik numbers!


Lotto$Master said:
Insta piks are still the best way to play and pik numbers!

I never won with quick picks. The way I look at it is, the lottery gives the winning number draw, what are the chances that the same number will be drawn on one of their computers? crazy! but it happens, some people have won big off quick picks somehow, so whatever works forya heh!

I'd do my own random picks before doin quick picks.



Generating combinations


Before spending any money on programs, you may want to try the following macro in Excel:


Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Dim A As Integer, B As Integer, C As Integer, D As Integer, E As Integer, F As Integer
Dim nNb() As Integer, I As Integer, J As Double

Sub GetCombin()
' Program to generate 6-number combinations
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ReDim nNb(20)
I = 1
' Allow up to 20 numbers starting in A1 and descending
Do Until I = 21
If ActiveCell.Offset(I - 1, 0) = "" Then Exit Do
nNb(I) = ActiveCell.Offset(I - 1, 0).Value
I = I + 1
ReDim Preserve nNb(I)
I = I - 1
J = 1
' Place combinations in columns C to H starting at row 2
For A = 1 To I - 5
For B = A + 1 To I - 4
For C = B + 1 To I - 3
For D = C + 1 To I - 2
For E = D + 1 To I - 1
For F = E + 1 To I
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 2).Value = nNb(A)
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 3).Value = nNb(B)
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 4).Value = nNb(C)
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 5).Value = nNb(D)
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 6).Value = nNb(E)
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 7).Value = nNb(F)
J = J + 1
Next F
Next E
Next D
Next C
Next B
Next A
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

- Starting in A1 and down, place up to 20 numbers you want to use in 6-number combinations.
- Start the macro and bingo.
- Starting in C2 to H2 and down, you will get your all your combinations fairly quickly depending on your computer and how many numbers you choose.
- Make cosmetic changes as you want (headings, column widths, etc.).
- Filter, erase, choose or do what you want with those combinations

- Why a limit of 20 numbers? This will give you 38,760 combinations to select from. Enough I believe but also because with more numbers, it would soon need another 6 columns to place combinations and this is feasible but more complicated. With 22 numbers, you can get 74,613 combinations, more than the 65,536 lines in Excel. But I have one macro that places all 13,983,816 combinations in a single sheet.
- There is no guarantee that this will help you win big but enjoy yourself. For myself, the fun was creating the macro.


hello Blitzed
thanks for the information websites
and your right about the quick picks
although it is still possible as one QP combination is one possibility


Hello Gilles

this macro you created that places all the combinations.
does it allow one to key in numbers (or i think they call them power numbers) and if so how many?
Is your model friendly to use?


Questions and answer

My macro generates combinations from numbers you enter (as noted) and that's it. And now for some answers ...

1 - Key-in-number(s) or power-numbers?
I am not sure what you mean by key-in-number(s) or power-numbers, but if you want some number(s) to be in all the combinations you want, you can insert them in the numbers in column A, generate all combinations then identify those that meet your requirements. This can be done by automatic filtering, adding a formula in column I that returns TRUE or FALSE whether a condition is met or use any command in Excel to discard or keep a combination.

2 - Model friendly to use?
Well, if you know how to run a macro in Excel (copying my code in a module, read my instructions and start the macro), I do not think I could make it easier to use. But what you do with the combinations, this is really your problem, although once you identify some criteria to be met, I could most likely help you implement methods to identify how to acheive this.

As a note to my macro, numbers in column A do not have to be in increasing order. So if you want a specific number to be in the combinations you will choose, then place this number in A1, run the macro and eliminate all combinations that do not have this number in column C.

Also if you want to reuse the macro, you may want to add a line like "Range("C2:H65000").ClearContents" after the line "Application.ScreenUpdating = False" to clear all data before the macro runs.

You could also modify the macro to meet your needs (such as having a power-number with 5 numbers from column A, etc.).

Obviously, the more you know about Excel, the easier it will be to analyze the data.


hey Gilles

what do they call numbers that you want to be in every combination?
are they power numbers? In your case what do you call or term the numbers in column A?
Excellent Combo generating Program

946ottol said:
:help: Hello :)

I am very new here and still learning the lotto jargon.

Firstly I am NOT searching for software which predicts or generates numbers either randomly or from previous results.

Does anyone know of or recomend any simple software for Lotto6/49 style lotteries that will:

1.allow me to insert my own numbers and generate all the possible number combinations.
2.allow me to KEY certain numbers and create combinations with inserted non-keyed numbers.

Then I can choose the combinations i wish to play.

Any suggestions would be appreciated as i have searched out many products and am quite overwhelmed by the amount available.
It appears that most products out there generate numbers based on someone else's system or design.
I have my own way of generating numbers but have difficulty creating combinations for them.

Lottery director offers a good generic program for generating full wheels.
I have used it for years and it is very reliable for generating combos.

Good luck
the Realpoorboy

