Uk 6-49


Hi All,

I'm another newcomer to the board. I use the UK lotto once or twice a week. I've been tying to get my head around WH for the past couple of weeks..and I think I am getting there(!), but I have yet to come up with a believable set of predictions, but I am hopefull!!
I nticed Dennis had mentioned a few stats about the UK lotto. Maybe when or if you dec:wavey: to give stats again you might let me have a few.
Anyway good luck everyone, there must be a lotto evrywhere on Saturday!!

I'm sure that Gilles D can accomodate you while I'm doing something else...I think that he is loaded with stats for the U:K: draws,,,He told us that he has that database .. and there is nothing that he wouldn't do for a new member! Just ask him! He is going to be delighted I'm sure!


Thanks Dennis,

If you have the time Giles, i would appreciate any useful info you may have!


