July is here & I feel like playing pick 3. go figger
I've been waiting for a 0 decade skip & high draw, it's so due. & sumthin' prodded me to look at the pre-test results.... TLC does 4 *practice* draws before each draw & if a # repeats 4 times they use a different set..... so the pretest results show my 0 dec skip & high draw the very first draw. hmmmm.... & get this, in the past 6 draws we've had one 4peat, a 3peat and a reg repeat... that's 6/30 #s that repeated... Plus we've had 2 times where the BB is the same as a reg #... I'm thinking this present set has lots of repeaters in it. I think I'll be studying my hit in Last charts more carefully now. doh!
6 as DN & 14 may show up after it's 4peat now.
July is here & I feel like playing pick 3. go figger
I've been waiting for a 0 decade skip & high draw, it's so due. & sumthin' prodded me to look at the pre-test results.... TLC does 4 *practice* draws before each draw & if a # repeats 4 times they use a different set..... so the pretest results show my 0 dec skip & high draw the very first draw. hmmmm.... & get this, in the past 6 draws we've had one 4peat, a 3peat and a reg repeat... that's 6/30 #s that repeated... Plus we've had 2 times where the BB is the same as a reg #... I'm thinking this present set has lots of repeaters in it. I think I'll be studying my hit in Last charts more carefully now. doh!
6 as DN & 14 may show up after it's 4peat now.