Super Seven Lotto Stats Question


Can someone Tell me how many Times the Numbers 37 and 47 have come up from the Beginning to the End of 1999? Please include with and without the Bonus if possible.
And then can I have the same report from the beginning of 2000 to present?

Thanks in Advance...

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
Everybody's got a dream....GO! LEAFS! GO!


Hi Sheba

Hope this is what you need...

From the Beginning

Draw 1 - 291 # 37 hit 53 times w/Bonus
End of 1999 # 37 hit 45 times w/o
# 47 hit 50 times w/Bonus
# 47 hit 43 times w/o
Or did you mean from the beginning of 1999

Draw 239 - 291 # 37 hit 10 times w/Bonus
Jan-Dec 1999 # 37 hit 8 times w/o
# 47 hit 11 times w/Bonus
# 47 hit 10 times w/o

Draw 292 - 515 # 37 hit 50 times w/Bonus
2000-present # 37 hit 47 times w/o
# 47 hit 40 times w/Bonus
# 47 hit 37 times w/o


Thanks Karnac..:agree2:

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
Everybody's got a dream....GO! LEAFS! GO!

