small or big wheel


Say I'm going for a pick 6 jackpot win, do you think it's better to wheel 26 numbers in one big 100 bet wheel, or is it better to do 4 smaller wheels of 25 bets each. $100 spent either way, but possibly quite different outcomes. thanks :wavey: Rebeckah


This is an excellent question Rebeckah :agree2: and I will answer this way.

Play the wheel or combination of wheels that gives you the maximum win % for 6of6.

Which raises another question. If the BIG wheel has a 1.00% guarantee of winning 6of6 for example, and the small wheel has 0.25% guarantee of 6of6, if you play the 4 wheels and don't duplicate tickets, is the win % cumulative, that is, do the combined wheels = 1.00% guarantee of winning 6of6 ?? :confused: :dizzy:


that's a good question too. Theoretically, if one has a good wheeling system {if there is one out there?) the same 100 bets would be dispersed over the 4-25 bet wheels. So, if I played the RIGHT 25 bet wheel with the winning combo in it I could save $75. hehe. & thusly, one 25 bet wheel would have a 25% chance. However, my inclination is to say no. The smaller wheels don't have a 25% chance of winning as the big wheel. Logically, one would think so, but you never know in the world of lotto. One of the small wheels could have a pick 6 winner that may escape the larger wheel. You never know in lotto land.


I'm just tired of picking all 6 winning numbers, but not having them wheeled together in my wheel. There's gotta be a jackpot winning solution, yes?


A good 25 number wheel would be expensive. Robert Perkis at Lotto-Logix has a few and I would imagine that they are as good as any.

I just ran a few wheels with Covermaster - 25 numbers

3of5 100% is $46 which is not too bad
4of6 100% is $510 :no:



Wheeling is such an interesting dilemma! A couple of things you may want to consider:

How often do you get 6/6 out of your 26?

Do you prioritize your 26 numbers so that some are favored over others even slightly?

Is there an effective filter out there, or that you could create, to help you prioritize or even eliminate some of the 26 numbers.

The idea is that if you are able to get 6/6 in 26 say, 80% of the time, you're definitely way ahead of most players. Then your only problem is buying an efficient enough wheel as your original post states. If, however, you prioritize your 26 numbers and find that you are able to achieve 4/6 in 15 80% of the time, then your strategy could change dramatically and for the better. Another possibility, which seems to have some backers here (Dennis for one) is the idea of a DN (designated number) which you place in every line of your wheel and helps you abbreviate the overall wheel. There are many other ways to abbreviate a wheel while retaining a high hit rate but it would require some analysis of the characteristics of your prediction sets.
We could talk about this for hours but I just wanted to plant a few ideas and see if it helps you. I look forward to expanding on this if you wish.

All the best,

P.S. As a follow up to Beaker's post, Lotto Genius shows the following wheels for 26 numbers:

3of5 100% $54
4of6 100% $363

By contrast, a 5of6 wheel with 15 numbers is only $178 from the same site.


I would LOVE to discuss this at length since I'm playing above the game and want to discuss lotto with people who understand # selection & wheeling, which it sounds like y'all do.
I have the Gail Howard program and use that with Lottery Director. I analyze & wheel the pick 5 numbers daily on paper and was getting 3-5 right on every draw. Recently it all went screwy so I went back to pick 6, which I was getting 4-6 right out of @26 #s very consistently when I worked those #s. So my # selection system is good, I'd like to whittle it down some, but it's still good.

My problems now lie in the wheeling. A minimum guarantee wheel seems to just gain me those smaller prizes, even when I had all the #s, so I began wondering if I did play a larger wheel would the jackpot combo be included then? Some players think playing many smaller wheels would be better.

I just got the Lottery Director program which has an awesome wheeling program, so I've been working on that and learning it's filtering. Filtering a larger wheel down seems like it's going to give me the control and results that I've been wanting and not finding. I never prioritized the #s as Gail's wheels have a built in optimizing function which I used. Obviously, THAT isn't working. Anybody else use Gail's program? With the LD {Lottery Director} I can prioritize, which I'm doing now, but still in the learning stage. They also have zone wheels so I can use the DN groups too.

I was usually playing $20-30 wheels. I'm willing to spend $100 on a wheel if the jackpot is over 50 million. I only play $ when I get strong indications of winners. That's not EVERY game. So, I want a GOOD wheel that will produce a huge win, not some crappy 3/5 or 3/6 guarantee. I don't care if it is a *safe* wheel to bet. I play to win a jackpot not a guaranteed 3/6.
Did I just answer my question, that I need to play a huge pool wheel and filter it down? Which was also what you were saying NDude? Do you really think that's going to produce a jackpot better than a smaller guaranteed wheel? Or am I getting hung up thinking the guaranteed wheels are fixed to only produce small wins and not jackpots? hmmmm.


sorry I'm so rambly
I don't know if you're looking for that but....Here’s one...
3/5 garantee 26 numbers in 40 lines….
Rebeckah said:
I would LOVE to discuss this at length since I'm playing above the game and want to discuss lotto with people who understand # selection & wheeling, which it sounds like y'all do.
I have the Gail Howard program and use that with Lottery Director. I analyze & wheel the pick 5 numbers daily on paper and was getting 3-5 right on every draw. Recently it all went screwy so I went back to pick 6, which I was getting 4-6 right out of @26 #s very consistently when I worked those #s. So my # selection system is good, I'd like to whittle it down some, but it's still good.

My problems now lie in the wheeling. A minimum guarantee wheel seems to just gain me those smaller prizes, even when I had all the #s, so I began wondering if I did play a larger wheel would the jackpot combo be included then? Some players think playing many smaller wheels would be better.

I just got the Lottery Director program which has an awesome wheeling program, so I've been working on that and learning it's filtering. Filtering a larger wheel down seems like it's going to give me the control and results that I've been wanting and not finding. I never prioritized the #s as Gail's wheels have a built in optimizing function which I used. Obviously, THAT isn't working. Anybody else use Gail's program? With the LD {Lottery Director} I can prioritize, which I'm doing now, but still in the learning stage. They also have zone wheels so I can use the DN groups too.

I was usually playing $20-30 wheels. I'm willing to spend $100 on a wheel if the jackpot is over 50 million. I only play $ when I get strong indications of winners. That's not EVERY game. So, I want a GOOD wheel that will produce a huge win, not some crappy 3/5 or 3/6 guarantee. I don't care if it is a *safe* wheel to bet. I play to win a jackpot not a guaranteed 3/6.
Did I just answer my question, that I need to play a huge pool wheel and filter it down? Which was also what you were saying NDude? Do you really think that's going to produce a jackpot better than a smaller guaranteed wheel? Or am I getting hung up thinking the guaranteed wheels are fixed to only produce small wins and not jackpots? hmmmm.


sorry I'm so rambly
Perhaps taking as much time and care on placing the numbers in the wheel in a certain order as choosing the wheel itself might help....for any kind of wheel that you might play...And if you watch the hints posted by the players here you might have to place only 2 or 3 other numbers...very often... :eek2: :eek3:


26 numbers is too many :no: - you have to get that down. In a 6+bonus/49 lotto you should be hitting at least 4 numbers.

The problem with filtering is you dilute the win guarantee and if you are jackpot hunting with all those numbers , you don't want to do that :no: I suppose very obvious tickets such as all even or all odd, 6 numbers from a decade could be eliminated. :agree:

As Dennis said, you really have to work on the placement in the wheel to maximize your chances.
By the way I also have a 26 numbers 4/6 garantee wheel in 267 lines....But just as Beaker in my personnal opinion...I think that 26 numbers is too many...
And This might interest NumbrsDudes I have a 5/6 garantee in 15 numbers with only 151 lines
:eek2: :eek3:
Last edited:


Well, I'm actually doing a 6/54 no bonus {Texas- I'm a transplant tho} & I've read that playing about half the numbers of the field is good. I'll work on further number elimination, which would definately improve my game. With the 5/37 I try to get 16, but end up more often with 18#s. I guess this accounts for my good number selection stats and bad wheel results then huh?

Any tips for picking a designated number or power number, key #or whatever you all call it? What works for you? thanks
Rebeckah said:
Well, I'm actually doing a 6/54 no bonus {Texas- I'm a transplant tho} & I've read that playing about half the numbers of the field is good. I'll work on further number elimination, which would definately improve my game. With the 5/37 I try to get 16, but end up more often with 18#s. I guess this accounts for my good number selection stats and bad wheel results then huh?

Any tips for picking a designated number or power number, key #or whatever you all call it? What works for you? thanks
There are many ways to pick a DN number way is to pick a consecutive one number forming the pair often repeats...Just as the 09-10 in your draw two draws ago and what happen in your last draw? The 10 repeated...You do not have any bonus for that lottery...In your draws the five top numbers are as follows...
41=144 times
32=143 times
33=142 times
04=140 times
03=138 times
Watch also for these...


Rebeckah said:
Well, I'm actually doing a 6/54 no bonus {Texas- I'm a transplant tho} & I've read that playing about half the numbers of the field is good. I'll work on further number elimination, which would definately improve my game. With the 5/37 I try to get 16, but end up more often with 18#s. I guess this accounts for my good number selection stats and bad wheel results then huh?

Any tips for picking a designated number or power number, key #or whatever you all call it? What works for you? thanks
I'm not familiar with your lotto history but generally I like to look at numbers from the last draw as potential DN's/power #'s/bankers - one or two of these tend to repeat in our Canadian 6/49. But with 54 numbers it may not happen as frequently in your lotto.
I see a lot of repeaters there...for an example the one has repeated 15 times on back to back draws, the 02 has repeated 10 times, the 03 has repeated 16 times, the 04 has repeated 16 (0 skip) (20 times 1 skip), the 05 has repeated 14 times....
Beaker said:
It's funny that the 50 has hit 126 times and all the other 50's are under 30 times :eek: Interesting :agree:
Yes Beaker it is quite interesting...I just noticed the same here out of the 1058 draws...very interesting... :agree2: :eek:


Just looking at this one, a good strategy would be for sure a decade missing and don't play those high 50's, so you could chop this down to a 6/40 easily. :agree:

