I would LOVE to discuss this at length since I'm playing above the game and want to discuss lotto with people who understand # selection & wheeling, which it sounds like y'all do.
I have the Gail Howard program and use that with Lottery Director. I analyze & wheel the pick 5 numbers daily on paper and was getting 3-5 right on every draw. Recently it all went screwy so I went back to pick 6, which I was getting 4-6 right out of @26 #s very consistently when I worked those #s. So my # selection system is good, I'd like to whittle it down some, but it's still good.
My problems now lie in the wheeling. A minimum guarantee wheel seems to just gain me those smaller prizes, even when I had all the #s, so I began wondering if I did play a larger wheel would the jackpot combo be included then? Some players think playing many smaller wheels would be better.
I just got the Lottery Director program which has an awesome wheeling program, so I've been working on that and learning it's filtering. Filtering a larger wheel down seems like it's going to give me the control and results that I've been wanting and not finding. I never prioritized the #s as Gail's wheels have a built in optimizing function which I used. Obviously, THAT isn't working. Anybody else use Gail's program? With the LD {Lottery Director} I can prioritize, which I'm doing now, but still in the learning stage. They also have zone wheels so I can use the DN groups too.
I was usually playing $20-30 wheels. I'm willing to spend $100 on a wheel if the jackpot is over 50 million. I only play $ when I get strong indications of winners. That's not EVERY game. So, I want a GOOD wheel that will produce a huge win, not some crappy 3/5 or 3/6 guarantee. I don't care if it is a *safe* wheel to bet. I play to win a jackpot not a guaranteed 3/6.
Did I just answer my question, that I need to play a huge pool wheel and filter it down? Which was also what you were saying NDude? Do you really think that's going to produce a jackpot better than a smaller guaranteed wheel? Or am I getting hung up thinking the guaranteed wheels are fixed to only produce small wins and not jackpots? hmmmm.
sorry I'm so rambly