In my defence!!
Since you seem to be addressing me here's my defence!!
I'm not going to discuss strategy here anymore ..
That's your choice!
all kind of software people (even some good old DOS disciples)are coming in stating that they hold a secret formula of some kind...
Personally I'm not a DOS disciple, I like to use a good console shell and that's about it! I never stated that I had a secret formula!
with results above this or that...
I nerver said this, I only quoted someone on this, my personal results were far from good! And my first post about the Markov software was that it was in "alpha design phase"!
but only after a few posts they are the ones asking about our strategies and stuff...
I only asked about your announcers theory because, you mentioned it that PT lottery thread and I was just curious to what it was. On this thread it was not supposed to be a question, but kind like a "man, you getting hits everywhere, you're good wanna let the rest of us in on your tricks..." it wasn't supposed to be something like please explain you strategies completly to us!
I'm not interested in seing a version of our ideas in a copywrited software ( not free) or board from abroad...
I agree with you here! You ideas are your ideas and they should be yours to use only! If someone uses that for something you don't like you should go after them! As for posting things said here somewhere else that might be tricky! I haven't done it and
probably will not do it, because I don't have the time to be hanging around every lotto forum one can find! I usually post to some tech board, i exchange mails with Ion Saliu and posted briefly about my software on his site!
And Markov is an excellent defenseman for the Montreal Canadien hockey club...
I had no knowledge of this untill GilesD posted about it in the Markov thread! Hope he brings great joy to those who like hockey! The Markov I refer to was Russian and you find his biography
And finnaly the only reason I started posting here was that you seemed like nice people interested in discussing Lottery!
Soon after I started using some of my coding skills (which are limited) to write some tools to aid me on my own betting! CoolRevGui appeared because I needed a good graphical text reverser! Ion Saliu with whom I shared that tool suggested I added random shuffling into it and that's how it exists now!
Markov.exe is just a basic algorithm that I read on a programming ,
book, I though about appling that idea to lottery, and I recoded on of the book's examples to illustrate my point! Saliu was the only lottery knowledged person I knew at the time (Now I now you guys also!) so I sent him the program so that he could give me is oppinion (That post he posted on the Markov software thread was is it), I then shared the program through is site so that others could use/test I got some feedback which encoraged me to try to give it more visability, the reason I posted here!
But since I only have limited knowledge of lottery strategies, and the one that I used to use more often was skip/hit analisys I posted asking what everyone of you though about it!!!!
And that's it.... in the end I'm just a poor System's Engineer that made some tools to try to win something in the lottery, and in the good open source spirit I tryed to share what I had done with others. And when it comes to lottery I'm just a newbie compared to most of you, although I have some math background that lets me understand some weird stuff easily...