should I change my numbers?


I hope someone out there can help me with this question. I posted my 20 numbers on May 26 and have played them in some wheel combinations for 3 draws. Last night I hit for one 3/6 and two 4/6. Should I stick with these numbers or should I reconfigure? I would really appreciate some imput on this. I know some of you suggest playing the same numbers for 7 draws in row. Is this the best overall strategy?
By the way, thanks for putting up this web site! I think there are some great ideas to be found here!!


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[This message has been edited by Lotto Tutor (edited June 07, 2001).]


Originally posted by Jeffrey:
I hope someone out there can help me with this question. I posted my 20 numbers on May 26 and have played them in some wheel combinations for 3 draws. somewhere on this site there is a data base 20numbers played over long long time with very little fiddling. You will be amazed how well those numbers did. you have to remember hot numbers only become hot with repeated hits that is why they are hot . For ex last draw 10,17,22
40 people think when a number dose not hit for 3-5 games it is time to change.check back on these pages, see the numbers taken out at the last min. were the numbers that came up.

