separate the initial digits 0,1,2, and see the amount that was drawn in each formation


hello, frank . please!
I don’t see the purpose of the colour zones. You are not using them. You only allow 5 spaces in the red zone and six in the blue zone, but the sequences in your code table can have 9 zeroes ( red zone) etc. So a sequence with 9 zeroes has a red score of only 5. What is the point of doing this? Also there are more than 48 possible formations, I have found 4 in your results that are not in your table. I have already counted up how many times each formation happens, but I’m not using red, green or blue zones to do it. :unsure:


thanks FRANK for seeing the post, they are the initial digits of 0,1,2 of the lottery lotofacil 25-15 where we have 15 numbers drawn example of a draw=
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 12 15 16 22 23 25
initial digits= 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2 = there are 15 places of the initial digit 0,1,2, if the color is making it difficult leave it out, the most important thing is to see which formations are drawn more often


These sequences of first digit together are used 50% of the time

000001111112222 5,6,4
000000111111222 6,6,3
000000111112222 6,5,4
000001111111222 5,7,3
000011111112222 4,7,4

I've discarded the pointless color zones and replaced them with true counts of the digits. The sheet converts the first digits to15 character strings of 0's 1's and 2's. It then allocates a number code to that unique sequence.
The number of each sequence is counted, then a sort button makes a new table to the right sorted in descending order. The codes are then used to find the actual 15 digit string corresponding to that code.
I found 4 sequences which were undefined in your table, so I added them (in red) and made up a code number for them.

