

How are all you folks doing down in the Toronto area, we hear and read about out here, I can just imagine what it must be like on a daily basis trying to go about your normal routines, or perhaps, I can't imagine.:dang: :rolleyes:


peter said:
How are all you folks doing down in the Toronto area, we hear and read about out here, I can just imagine what it must be like on a daily basis trying to go about your normal routines, or perhaps, I can't imagine.:dang: :rolleyes:
Peter, its not all that bad. Having said that I would NOT want to be going to a hospital here :no:
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I was down in T.O. over long week-end
and I think even though it is a serious
illness some people are taking it to
the extreme. One advantage if you want
to get to the front of a line just cough.
or if you want to grab a cab before the
next guy cough again.



:lol: :lol: ... now I have to go to the hospital, not because of SARS but because I fell off my chair reading your above post Geenie !!

ps :lol: :lol: --> that's for the post below ... btw A.R.S. is what broke my fall
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My brother in-law is interning at a few
hospitals and tells me that the S and A
of S.A.R.S mean the same - severe and
acute but they couldn't very well call
it A.R.S. Interesting.


Geenie said:
My brother in-law is interning at a few
hospitals and tells me that the S and A
of S.A.R.S mean the same - severe and
acute but they couldn't very well call
it A.R.S. Interesting.

OR maybe call it DARS-deadly, acute respiratory syndrome:lol:



The media has really blown it out of proportion. I live in Toronto and your aware of it but I don't lose any sleep over it. The government has kinda blown it also in my opinion. They should have guaranteed at least a percentage of pay if you are sick or quaranteened because of S.A.R.S. That way you don't get idiots leaving quaranteen to go to work. ie Hewlett Packard worker went to work and then developed symptoms so the whole company had to be quaranteened. That put 200+ workers off of work for 10 days. I wonder if that guy will get fired? For sure he won't be getting any promotions.
It is hurting the economy though. People are wary of taking the subway and congregating in huge crowds. Its gonna hurt the tourism industry also if they don't get it under control. Basically no one is going out really. Movie theatres said attendance down about 20 percent. Hotels are empty. And people probably don't go out to eat as much. I think the chinese restaurants are really getting hit because people are afraid they will catch it there.
Main areas of infection are in hospitals and hospital workers are the ones that are at risk really. I think the malls are pretty empty now also. Basically right now if you own a business and have high rent your eating it right now.


I think I read in the local news paper that S.A.R.S. has more of a devastating payload on middle aged people :(

Thank god I'm still just a kid, if I get this S.A.R.S. I think I'll be fine but I wouldn't want to spread it to my parents. I also read in a recent paper that S.A.R.S. may really be a blessing in disguise because it will help prep everyone for an even more deadly outbreak. God forbid we ever get anything worse than a mass infectuous case of S.A.R.S. but it's one of Murphy's laws. If something can go wrong it will and maybe S.A.R.S. is just a warning for more serious things to come.


I think this whole thing started cuz some bio-enginering lab in Hong Kong was splicing and dicing viruses for germ warfare and the Dr/enginer/terroist got sloppy and brought the mutated virus home from work on the subway. & of course city officials tried to keep the whole thing secret BECAUSE it was a germ warfare experiment.... & Lord forbid anybody speak up & admit they made a mistake that detrimentaly effects the planet. .......If it was an act of God it would have started in 2 different places simultaneously,.... and God doesn't create disease and suffering, evil does. Anyway, the flu kills more people than sars has, the hype is just cuz it's new, uncontained, spreading quickly & potentially lethal to immune damaged individuals. It's amazing how humanity is killing itself.
Randal said:
I think I read in the local news paper that S.A.R.S. has more of a devastating payload on middle aged people :(

Thank god I'm still just a kid, if I get this S.A.R.S. I think I'll be fine but I wouldn't want to spread it to my parents. I also read in a recent paper that S.A.R.S. may really be a blessing in disguise because it will help prep everyone for an even more deadly outbreak. God forbid we ever get anything worse than a mass infectuous case of S.A.R.S. but it's one of Murphy's laws. If something can go wrong it will and maybe S.A.R.S. is just a warning for more serious things to come.
In our traditionnal old dialect prophecy ...it has been mentionned by the old ones that one day a terrible disease will strike and will destroy many nations...It is said that only a handfull of people will survive.....It is said that it will arrived one day like a bird with the early wind breeze of spring ...But what is striking is that line....after a long cold upside down winter.... :eek:


Well if Fleming discovered penicilin by accidentally dropping a few bogers into a petri dish, I guess it can be made at home with a chemistry set. I had my suspicions about the Chinese gov't doing some genetic experiments with corona virus. This is just a conspiracy theory but I was thinking they were playing rubics cube with genetic material in trying to control the rat population in China and it ended up being contracted by humans also. But the Dutch said it wasn't man made. So my theory went down the toilet.
Not to knock anyone, but I don't think these apocalyptic prophesies help anyone. It can lead to a philosophy of fatalism where you believe something will happen so you inadvertently aid it occuring.
I think this is just a natural mutation of the virus that jumped to humans. It happens every day, no higher beings at play. Its the way nature works. For example If I have a cold and I give it to you, it mutates. My cold and your cold can be vastly different. Thats why they don't have a cure for the common cold, cuz it constantly mutates from individual to individual.
As for the SARS in Toronto its blown out of wack by the media. People are not dropping dead in the streets, and in a city of over 5 million 200 cases is pretty small relative to the population size. Also it has a 95% recovery rate. More people die from common ailments like flu every year. Just gotta keep it in perspective.
I don't think that S.A.R.S. is the one that the old ones were talking about.....Something else is gonna come one day....History of mankind is full of examples....And more and more bacterias virus and stuff are resisting antibiotics...The war against these bugs is far from over....if you closed your eyes to this...
Well let me read you this one line from Leo Zillard...Famous scientist that work on the first Atomic bomb...
''If you don't listen to the past...you are doomed to relive it...''
I like that line it is the same with lottos and numbers...
:agree: :agree2:


The biggest threat today is bioterror threat and nuclear threat from rogue nations and marginalized fringe groups with extremist violent views. It doesn't take much, if a group gets their hands on some viruses like ebola or small pox or genetically modified version of one or both into one. They found 19 people to crash 3 planes full of people into various targets. Its concievable that these same people can find 20-30 people that will inject themselves with a virus and then get on a plane and take a tour of cities in nations that they don't like. Completely undetectable and no one will know before its too late if they want to.
The nuclear threat isn't gonna be a missile, its the suit case nuclear bombs the Russians made during the cold war. They made about 100 of them from a CBC documentary, and the Russian Mafia with ex KGB have the potential to sell these to terrorists for the right price. Until the ex Soviet states stabilize economically, its a potential smoking gun there.

Im not sure you are all aware of this but Im going to tell you anyway. SARS is a virus like all others, it can and has mutated. Do I believe it was man made? No. Their are many viruses out there unexplained. You want the root to all of them just visit Koklitlum Cave in Africa. Or read the book "Hot Zone". It will give you a new perspective on it all. (A true story)
I live here in Toronto and my fears of SARS has grown. Just yesterday we lost a citizen who was 38 years old to this infection. I believe our governments are downplaying the SARS threat to calm us. But lets be realistic, some viruses come out of the starting gates strong and fade away. I believe this virus came out strong and will just disappear. Just like that, over night. Some have this ability. But trust me it will be back. I don't know when, but when and if that time comes look out. The primary function of a virus is to reproduce itself. This virus has learned how to do this within a human host. Yes the flu has killed more than SARS has, but the number of patience with the SARS virus was significantly less. If as many people had SARS as they did Influenza, I believe the numbers of deaths would be greatly in favor of SARS. Just my look on it.


NightDweller you're one cheery person. Dig deep into your soul NightDweller, there is goodness there :chug:

And thanks for the enlightenment for as you so aptly realized we are a bunch of cerebrally challenged lotto players here that can't read or write or understand anything except tax on idiots.

If you read the reports, and I can't so my neighbour does it for me, scientists are not absolutely sure that this virus is causing the deaths - 40% have it 60% don't - the virus that is - but I'm only told that because of my cerebral impairment.

By the way, do you play lotto??? :rolleyes:

Post your picks. :agree2:

