Request for Wheels...

I'm willing periodically to generate
free wheel designs of ANY type.

But the information for the wheel construction shall
correct and as follows:

Pool Size = V parameter
Ticket Size = K parameter
Guarantee = T parameter
If included in the Pools Size = M
Times of Guarantee = L parameter
Ticket quantity = B parameter

(If L=1 it can be omitted)

Some examples using the parameters:

wheel(V,K,T,M,L) = B


This means:
a wheel(from 49 numbers (V), of size 6 (K),
that can guarantee 3 (T) if 6 included (M), this to happen once (L) ) with 50 tickets (B).

If the wheel can not provide the guarantee with the specified number of tickets I'll indicate the percent (%) of cover this wheel does provide.

I hope that this is clear and understandable.

Nick Koutras


11 number combinations

I was wondering if someone would have the combinations for 11 numbers. One group would have the combinations for 6 numbers, the other 7.


Ok, Nick.... folowing your offer!

Can you try to create some wheels like these:



An embedded garantee of 2if2 would be nice!!
Thanks in advance!!
Hi Thornc,

Below is a Design LD(15,5,3,4)=20 -78
with embedded (15,5,2,2)=13
Please note that to cover the design we need
a minimum of 24 sets.
This Design has 78 uncovered combinations.

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 6 7
1 2 3 8 9
1 4 8 10 11
1 5 6 7 9
1 10 11 12 13
1 12 13 14 15
2 3 4 12 14
2 5 9 10 12
2 6 11 13 14
2 7 8 10 15
3 5 9 11 15
3 6 10 13 14
3 7 8 11 12
4 5 7 13 15
4 6 8 12 15
4 6 9 10 15
4 7 9 13 14
5 6 7 11 14
5 8 9 13 14

Below is a Design LD(20,5,3,5)=26 -265
with embedded (20,5,2,2)=21
There are 265 uncovered combos,
since to cover the design we need a minimum of 32 sets

1 2 3 4 5
1 6 7 8 9
1 6 10 11 12
1 7 8 10 13
1 13 14 15 16
1 17 18 19 20
2 6 9 14 17
2 7 11 15 18
2 8 10 16 19
2 9 12 13 20
2 13 14 15 18
3 4 11 16 17
3 6 11 13 19
3 7 9 16 20
3 8 12 15 17
3 9 10 14 18
4 6 10 15 20
4 7 12 14 19
4 8 9 13 18
4 8 12 16 17
4 10 11 16 20
5 6 12 16 18
5 6 15 19 20
5 7 10 13 17
5 8 11 14 20
5 9 11 15 19

