Reply to Dennis


I said repeated numbers, Dennis. In other words, if I had 19, 20 and 21 I would never have these 3 on any other lines. I could have 19 and 20, or 20 and 21, or 19 and 21. But 19, 20 and 21 would never show again.

On the contrary, I love the consecutive numbers as they give me a delta of 1, which is all through my tickets!!!

[This message has been edited by flipper (edited June 16, 2001).]
Originally posted by flipper:
I said repeated numbers, Dennis. In other words, if I had 19, 20 and 21 I would never have these 3 on any other lines. I could have 19 and 20, or 20 and 21, or 19 and 21. But 19, 20 and 21 would never show again.

On the contrary, I love the consecutive numbers as they give me a delta of 1, which is all through my tickets!!!

[This message has been edited by flipper (edited June 16, 2001).]
I know , I know Flip It just struck me that's all! And it is true I'm happy for you tonight
The range of numbers from this draw is right on your balcony!
I'm certain that you are hitting for a kill tonight Flip!
Originally posted by SillyAlien:
Oh, and Dennis!!! Great to hear from you, friend!

I was bored as hell so I stole a nurse computer for a few chats and here I am !
Couldn't resist coming here!
You did great again Silly, that's two in a row for you and this time you receive the high hand unles the man with the fat wallet
beats you up! Have you seen these numbers! Amazing !
I know, Dennis. That would have been a beautiful 14 number wheel. Yes, I got 4, thanks. But I have a feeling Flipper is gonna run away with all the money this time. I don't argue his system, but I am baffled at how he manages to narrow it down to 69 tickets. Anyhow, really great to "hear" you!

Originally posted by SillyAlien:
I know, Dennis. That would have been a beautiful 14 number wheel. Yes, I got 4, thanks. But I have a feeling Flipper is gonna run away with all the money this time. I don't argue his system, but I am baffled at how he manages to narrow it down to 69 tickets. Anyhow, really great to "hear" you!


Yes but he should be able to give us an answer on this 69 the way I miss totally the boat tonight with the numbers but I would have miss anyway tonight completely out of my range of numbers.
Yes, way off tonight, but I've had a chance to study your numbers, Dennis and I have to say that my feeling is, that when they hit, they'll really hit. I like the grouping and the spread.

Flipper! Let us know about the 69-ticket theory please.

[This message has been edited by SillyAlien (edited June 16, 2001).]
Originally posted by SillyAlien:
Yes, way off tonight, but I've had a chance to study your numbers, Dennis and I have to say that my feeling is, that when they hit, they'll really hit. I like the grouping and the spread.

Flipper! Let us know about the 69-ticket theory please.

I have to go now there's some people yelling at me ... Say I to every body , I'm going under the knife tomorrow at 11 o'clock , I'll
stop by once in a while to see how you're doing!

[This message has been edited by SillyAlien (edited June 16, 2001).]


Silly Alien, I play all the delta numbers from 1 to 15. Here is what I did. Some time ago, I went to the delta website and made up lines off their computer generator. I made sure that I only had each consecutive pair of numbers only one time somewhere in my tickets. Some pairs, I probably didn't have at all. I just selected them and stopped when I thought I had spent enough money. It just happened to stop at $69.00. I didn't plan it to stop there. REmember, I'm keeping track of each line as I do the numbers on paper, not a database.I'll be changing my numbers for Wed. to get rid of some of the delts number 1.I had too many of them last night, but wouldn't you know it, when I was loaded up on the delta number 1, it hits on the 6-49. By the way, the 3 consecutive numbers in a row only happens 13% of the time, so The French Brain tells me.

I think the smartest guy on this board is Gilles D.(GILLES THE BRAIN)He might be smarter than all of us as I don't know if he plays or not. He sure is good in math.
If I understand you correctly, Flip, you just pick delta numbers at random from 1 to 15. You then convert them to regular lotto numbers. If this is true, then you are one of the luckiest people on earth. I am serious. If that is ALL you do, random-pick deltas. Push some luck this way, buddy.


P.S. I'm trying to get a database going of all the draws translated to deltas. Maybe there's a pattern of delta followers for specific entry-numbers. i.e. if 2 is drawn, what "pattern" of deltas follows it, if any. If 3 is drawn .......... so on. Unfortunately I am not as fast with excel as Gilles or some of the others. If anyone beats me to it, let me know please. Thanks guys and ladies.

[This message has been edited by SillyAlien (edited June 17, 2001).]


Yes, that's what I do. I pick the deltas at random, but I filter them by hand and only use ones that are fresh. So, I end up playing each regular number of the 49 for a total of say, 5 times. Plus only each consecutive pair one time only. Plus the number 1 which gives you a delta of 1. On these with the number 1, there are no consecutive numbers. But there could be. Then you would have a delta of 1 twice. This only happens about 13 % of the time, so a delta of 1 on each line is enough in the long run.


Silly Allien
Yes I have an Excel Lotto 6/49 database that calculates all deltas and it is available for those who ask.
But if you plan to use it, your will have to change your way of thinking. Some information given here on deltas lately is based on assumptions or plain lies, not facts.


GILLES, There has been a lot of discussion regarding delta numbers, obviously you have a database on delta numbers, which indicates to me, that this is something which you must have looked at, at one time. What are your thoughts regarding delta numbers. I'm sure the rest of the forum, myself included respect your opinion , because your comments are always based on factual information. Looking forward to your comments. ------- PETER

Thanks, already got the 649 file. It was not for delta analysys though. The Ontario-49 has always been my target, so I never had a 649 file. In the mean time, I had a little computer mishap, and managed to lose the Ontario-49 file too. Hope that explains it.



HEY SILLY: Put some SILLY GLUE, I mean CRAZY GLUE on the DELETE BUTTON on your keyboard,follow my advice and you will never lose another file. CHEERS,-----


To SillyAllien
Send me a e-mail I will send you my file with all calculations for deltas. Must have misread your request as I have been sending out my Excel 6/49 file to quite a few people.
Sorry GillesD, I must have used wrong english again. I already got the file. I was saying that I needed it for regular use, NOT delta use. I NEVER HAD the 649 file before, just the Ontario-49 file. Since I recently got the file from Beaker, I did try delta-analysys, but the results did not turn me on.

