Quote by Dennis:


I would gladly help you but I do not have that Gail Howard program....But there must be a way...
I transferred this out of the discussion thread, thanks for your offer ... If we email only the GH .slh type file to you as a sample (thro LT) do you think it'd be possible to convert a txt or CSV file to that format?
Can't email the prog itself tho as that would be kinda illegal ... :(
What I'll do instead is that I'M going to get that program.....And I'll see what I can do about this...
I have never transformed these kinds of datas (.slh) but there must be a way....Maybe LT or Dwoods can tell you more on that...???
Brad said:
Hope you're aware that there's no free trial for GH, it is not cheap to buy ...
O:K: ....Then I'll wait until after Wednesday night's draw....:lol: Anyway I'm going out tonite and I'll be back here only on Sunday....Got to drive up north to LaTuque...Big family gathering for me there...I'll go ice fishing near Parent while I'm there...Big,Big Lake trout there Brad!!!
But I'll buy that program anyway Brad!


Brad said:
I transferred this out of the discussion thread, thanks for your offer ... If we email only the GH .slh type file to you as a sample (thro LT) do you think it'd be possible to convert a txt or CSV file to that format?
Can't email the prog itself tho as that would be kinda illegal ... :(

I'v tried already to convert .slh data to db, txt, xlc using some converter but impossible. .slh = smart luck histories

And, for Dennis, c' est un programme dont tu ne regretteras pas de l'avoir je suis sur.....Il est bon aussi pour le Banco, sauf que c'est limité.....Si tu veux tu peux commander le wheel six plus, mais je sais que tu n'aime pas beaucoup ce genre de systeme.
Bonne année et bonne chance.
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I would like to have a crack at converting them. Unless either format is in Binary, it shouldnt be too difficult. Im sure somehow you guys might get a copy of the formats to me.



Hey Andrew!

good to see you're back ... belated Happy New Year !

You coud try downloading a history file from SmartLuck if that doesn't work I'll email any you choose via LT.

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Re: Re: Quote by Dennis:

Gail's program has good charts, but the Lotto Director's wheels are better than Gails. LDs wheels is a free software too. I wouldn't waste your money on Gail's wheels. I think Ben may have said this too, but my french isn't good enough to know.

I was looking into Lottery Boss software, but at $150 I was hesitant to buy it. It's hard to know if it would just duplicate what I already have or not. I did buy Lottery Director cuz you can only save info with a registered version. And the game history won't be updated {with the freeware} unless you download it each time, which gets annoying. If you analyze for every drawing or so, it's worth investing in a good software, IMHO. It's helped me LOTS.



you're right about Gail Howard's wheels, there are free progs that'll do just as good a job ie: CoverMaster, Jade, etc. But the main prog of Gail's is second to none for stats and ease of manipulation ...

Just my 2 cents worth (or 1.2987 cents US ;) )


lottery software

:wavey: Hi, I am new. I just wanted to tell you guys that some lottery softwares can be bought on ebay below cost. I personally have Gail Howard's which I didn't buy from ebay. If you are an ebay member you can do a search for lottery software, save the search and have them send emails when new items are listed. I do like Gail's software, but I take those stats a step farther. I love numbers. I think for me to win, I really need to know the games inside and out. Kinda like the numbers become second nature. I frequently don't agree with her best number choices, but the stats are really a good starting point. Anyway, I am keeping my eyes open on ebay to see if there is any decent lottery software for sale. Thanks Jennifer


Re: lottery software

Iamswamee said:
:wavey: Hi, I am new. I just wanted to tell you guys that some lottery softwares can be bought on ebay below cost. I personally have Gail Howard's which I didn't buy from ebay. If you are an ebay member you can do a search for lottery software, save the search and have them send emails when new items are listed. I do like Gail's software, but I take those stats a step farther. I love numbers. I think for me to win, I really need to know the games inside and out. Kinda like the numbers become second nature. I frequently don't agree with her best number choices, but the stats are really a good starting point. Anyway, I am keeping my eyes open on ebay to see if there is any decent lottery software for sale. Thanks Jennifer
Welcome, any problems with ebay? I agree with you about knowing the lottery inside and out :agree2: Post your thoughts for the lotto you play - Canadian? :)


Re: lottery software

Iamswamee said:
I just wanted to tell you guys that some lottery softwares can be bought on ebay below cost. I frequently don't agree with her best number choices, but the stats are really a good starting point.

Hi Jennifer. I bought one software on EBay, it was worthless really. But it was only $10. Gail's is the best I've found so far. I'm looking for a Tshirt that says *Lotto players have more balls*. I was also looking for a lotto parking sign on EBay. The one I found already was kinda dumb.

I agree with you about Gail's smart picks. I add them into my tally sheet, but mainly rely on the drawings since hit chart which I print out and keep up to date. I also keep the skips due chart up to date, up to skip 25. I made it to look like her #s group chart E. Once I increased it to 25 skips I found that a skip of 14 hits regularly, which I wouldn't have known otherwise.

I have my own tally total chart and other charts by hand which I'd be happy to share with anybody who uses Gail's charts, or just wants to see what I do. If it doesn't require a ton of editing I'll post it, otherwise it'll have to be emailed. I learned the hard way to use a spreadsheet instead of word processor program. ugh
& I don't have word, so we'll see how that goes.


:wow: Thanks for making me feel at home. Rebeckah, I would love to have copies of your stat sheets you are using. You are a little more-or much more-sophisticated with stats than I am. I am not sure about the statistical analyses you are talking about. The changes you have made in the use of Gail's stats. So, please, if it is not too much trouble, email me at <<< I have deleted the email address as they are not allowed in these forums. I would be pleased to post for download any info that members wish to share .. LT >>> and run it by me one more time.
Beaker, I have not had any problems with ebay. They have a pretty good watchdog system that lets you check out a seller before buying. I recently purchased a $100.00 pair of New Balance tennis shoes for about $35.00 which includes shipping. And ladies, I buy all of my fragrances on ebay. Extremely expensive perfumes such as those by Jean Patou - Joy, Sublime- are at shockingly low deals.
I play the California lottery and Powerball when I can. I have to travel to the state border for the CA lottery and over the Hoover Dam and into Arizona to play. I live in Las Vegas. Sometimes I can get my sister to get me Powerball tickets. I am looking at lotto south because it should be easier to work with as it has no powerball number. The "first time out" for Powerball I broke even. I had 4 of the 6 numbers drawn but had not sifted out the powerball stats on Gail's software. I guess that is pretty good. But it took hours for me to do the analyses. I recently purchased another software called Lotto Wizard. I will be running my regular stats and then the Lotto Wizard and matching numbers between them. Picking numbers chosen from both softwares.
I am going to get a lucky charm and if that works, I will throw out all the software :laughing
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Hi Iamswamee ...welcome :wavey:

I have deleted the email address that was in your post as email addresses, ICQ, aim info etc. are not permitted here, as outlined in the membership rules.

Thanks for your understanding and again welcome to the bulletin board :agree2:



prev= l

{H} Low/High ____/____ ____/____ ____/____ 1 43
{ I } Odd/Even ____/____ ____/____ ____/____ 2 44
{E} # Groups ________/________/________/____________ 3 45
________/________/________/________/____________ 4 46
{F} Sum: Even / Odd _____________Root:______________ 5 47
{5} Repeats {_____}______________________________________ 6 48
{C} Adjacent {_____}_____________________________________ 7 49
{D} Trailing #s___________________________________________ 8 50
_______________________________________________ 9 51
{7a} Hit Charts ______________________________________ 10 52
{3} Quick Stats _____________________________________________ 11 53
_______________________________________________ 12 54
{N} Astroscope ____________________________________ 13
____________________________________________________ 14
{G} Last Digit___________________________________________ 15
{B} Cold ___________________ Hot ________________________ 16
{B} Skips due____________________________________________ 17
__=_________________ __=________________________ 18
__=_________________ __=________________________ 19
__=_________________ __=________________________ 20
__=_________________ __=________________________ 21
__=_________________ __=________________________ 22
__=_________________ __=________________________ 23
__=_________________ __=________________________ 24
{6} S&H ____________________________________________ 26
{1-3}_________________________________________________ 27
{LS}_________________________________________________ 28
{V} Smart Picks { }______________________________________ 30
{ }_________________________________________________ 31
{ }_________________________________________________ 32
{ }_________________________________________________ 33
{4} DSH: PN:_____________________________________ 35
Best:________________________________________________ 36
___________________________________________________ 37
{1}: __________________________________________ 38
LS:____________________________________________ 39
___________________________________________________ 40
%: _____________________________________________ 42

Here's my sheet for Gail again, to see if it'll paste ok here without editing. the columns of #s go down the right side, so you can just edit those. The quickest way is to run each chart and then copy the #s from the smart picks chart (V) for 3-4-5-C-D. Like I said, I give each # one tic mark, except for strong ones in skips due, anything over 4 in chart 6 (also 6's longshots) chart 4, power #s and % all those get two tic marks. in chart 4, the {1} line is for #s that are maybes, they get one tic mark. Add it all up and you get your tally for loading a wheel. I usually edit it down thru using chart 4 which I print out & keep up to date. Hope somebody can get something from this.

Any ????, ask away!, I've spent almost two years refining this chart & I'm still modifying it, so LMK if you use it or change it I'd like to know what works for you.


:bounce2: Rebeckah, thanks for your stat sheet. I copied it into a Word document. I must admit, though, you are way beyond me in statistical analysis. And I hope you win the big one. Generosity deserves generosity. My aunt was a long time math teacher at the community college level. She used to like to play the slot machines and figure out the probabilities. So, I guess working with numbers is in my blood. My sister is going to buy me a lotto south ticket and I have a lot of work to do on the stats. Alas, that calls for a nap to recharge the "little gray cells." Jennifer


Thank you Jennifer. :)
I don't consider myself too great at stats, cuz I think if I was good enough then I'd win the jackpot! :lol:
Do you use her wheels programs or do you just have the advantage plus software?


:bounce2: I have her wheel program and have used it once or twice. I found something out interesting today while doing stats. I went through the last 25 draws on Lotto South and looked at the number of draws out for each number. And I wrote them down beside each game number, i.e game 124. 0,1, 25, 26 31. I did this for 25 games. Then I looked for duplications from game to game. Was a number drawn the next game that had only 1 skip. Guess what. There was consistency, carry over from most every game. In example on game 125 the skips were 1, 8, 17,25 29,32. 1 skip being common to the last game. and so forth and so forth. Then I looked for non occurances. It was very rare for a duplicate number of skips to carry over for 3 games. So, if this is correct, then I was able to eliminate the drawing of all numbers with certain skips. In my case it was 2 and 4. No numbers with 2 or 4 skips should be drawn during the next game. Does this make sense? Anyway, it is food for thought. Jennifer

