Québec Banco draws

Here are the top 10 numbers for the Québec Banco draws since its beginning...4271 draws...
And here are the best in the last 10 draws...
Expect a burst from 54 in the incoming week
Hints...Hints...51-54 :kaioken: :kaioken:
And here are some of what these numbers are mostly announcing...
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Here are the Banco results for tonite...
03 05 07 09 11 12 17 18 23 27 29 34 36 44 47 49 52 55 60 62

I guess these ones just decided to stick around.... :lol:



Hi Dennis

I dont play Banco How does it work? How many numbers do you have to get to win anything? basically what is the prise breakdown? And how often is the Draw ?

:) :)
Re: dennis

mon said:
Hi Dennis

I dont play Banco How does it work? How many numbers do you have to get to win anything? basically what is the prise breakdown? And how often is the Draw ?

:) :)
One draw per day you can pick from 2 to 10 numbers go to the lotto-Québec site here...http://diffusion.loto-quebec.com/sw3/res/asp/index.asp?pRequest=2&cProduit=6&l=0
They are drawing 20 numbers out of 70 numbers each day...
You can also play 20 numbers for the Banco Special...
My new acquired device can call up the announcers for that one and so far it is absolutely outstanding...I usually play the 7 number picks or the 6 number picks...but at times I play the 5 number picks ...Check the site everything is well explained there..the cost to play is one dollar per line and 5 dollars per line for the Banco Special....Some great Banco wheels are posted here but for less numbers you can use some great pick 7 wheels or pick 6 or pick 5 ...depending on how many numbers you want to play...


Hi Denis.
The odds for BANCO, (see back of any loto Quebec ticket)
is 1/2 147 181, banco spec. 1/4 763 044.... but i prefer 6/49
i win in banco 200$ maxi. banco spec. 1x 50$ (11/20)....
now i stop to play this lottery. why? all time my number are near.
if i play 34 they hit 33 or 35, if i play 33 34 35, no hits for 30 s,
I can not understand this lottery.....
for banco spec. i pick often between 4/20 and 7/20 (nothing)....
Ben said:
Hi Denis.
The odds for BANCO, (see back of any loto Quebec ticket)
is 1/2 147 181, banco spec. 1/4 763 044.... but i prefer 6/49
i win in banco 200$ maxi. banco spec. 1x 50$ (11/20)....
now i stop to play this lottery. why? all time my number are near.
if i play 34 they hit 33 or 35, if i play 33 34 35, no hits for 30 s,
I can not understand this lottery.....
for banco spec. i pick often between 4/20 and 7/20 (nothing)....
I do not care 6/49...Banco...You name it...I can win anywhere!!! :lol: :agree2:
Going after the Banco Special tonite ...Just for fun...
These are the numbers that I am playing tonite...Just for fun...
And the results are....
01 03 05 07 10 16 29 30 34 35 36 41 43 45 49 50 51 54 60 61so I have 8 of them... and 8 is 5$...no win ,no lost..but funny... and so just for fun I'm playing them again tonite....

