Provincial Piks February 7


Got to my local grocery store with 5 min to go just to find out the lotto terminal crapped out, had it's guts all over the floor ... mad dash to the next nearest outlet ... made it with one minute to spare ... and played these:


late post but BCLC won't have the results bfr 7:30PM PT anyway ...

Good Luck Sheba!!:agree2:


Dear lonely (cat) in BC....

If you're looking for fun and lively discussion, visit the Keno thread. ;)
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Maggie said:
Dear lonely (cat) in BC....

If you're looking for fun and lively discussion, visit the Keno thread. ;)
Well ... Maggie makes money in Keno, Combo goes to Cairo, Dennis doesn't drop by ... can the Cat cope with cabin fever :confused: ... SAD :clown:
You're right Dennis!

And when BCLC ups the price of a provincial ticket to a dollar there will be a lot more people jumping off that ship too!! Women and children into the lifeboat first! This baby is going down!
:eek: :agree:


Re: You're right Dennis!

winkeldinkel said:
And when BCLC ups the price of a provincial ticket to a dollar there will be a lot more people jumping off that ship too!! Women and children into the lifeboat first! This baby is going down!
:eek: :agree:
My sentiments too!! BCLC did not just shoot themselves in the foot, this time they'll crash and burn!

You know the real reason all the lotto corps are scrambling to up their prices may very well be that an increasing number of system players are taking a bigger bite out of their pie. This is their limp attempt to try and stay ahead ;)

