I asked L.A. to produce 10 lines based on whole history of BC/49
the 1st line produced was 07-19-23-36-40-47
Results are 07-20-23-36-39-47 B 12
Very scary indeed considering it's only $5.00 wasted...
I think better for L.A. to produce different numbers on different draws rather than playing 20 lines for the whole month.
At least today I only lost 3.50 not more....
No more Group....I will play FW 8 with Lottobuddy once every 2 weeks that is it....
hee hee hee....hi brad.....was trying to post a link of some photographs showing where i will be in a couple of days, and i guess my pencil wasn't sharp enough.....i e-mailed it to LT and hopefully he'll stick the pix up somewhere....gonna take a peek around now, see whether anyone got the big one........
...and like how come you got two of those little yellow balloon things and i got only one......like, maybe LT likes you best ...? ....mine is better looking, though....