I can't play whatever I am thinking of cause there is no money for that at all....
in fact wife freaked out when I told her I had lost 25.00 or so..
I told her this is gambling and u just can't win with damn 4.00 Bucks...
Going back to 6/49, the clue is get a PAPER AND PEN and maybe you would know what I am talking about....
I am still kicking myself up to today cause I swear when I won on Aug 31/2002 with 2 diff. Groups, I could have won at least 3,100.00 or perhaps the whole thing had I played Combo 5...
trust me I am not kidding you.....Perhaps I would live to curse that day when I had the chance and didn't take advantage of it..
there is an upcoming trip that we have to make in order to see my aging folks....And that WILL put us in financial headache again.
I am just about to pay off cc debts, but it looks like I am going back under the water...This trip could be in Feb/2004....