Prov. Jan 18 Discuss. & Picks


Jan 18 QP


Looks unrealistic but hey this is the story of BC/49 nowadays.

I will decide later on what to play for AW 8


Here's the last few draws of BC49 based on Perkis' method of selecting numbers ... hot (3 or more hits), avg (1 or 2 hits), cold (0 hits) from previous 18 draws:

Draw# hot avg cold
1145 22/4 19/1 8/1
1144 22/3 19/2 8/1
1143 23/4 20/2 6/0
1142 21/1 23/5 5/0
1141 22/2 23/4 4/0
1140 22/3 23/2 4/1
1139 20/1 26/5 3/0
1138 19/0 27/6 3/0
1137 19/2 29/4 1/0
1136 18/3 30/3 1/0
1135 15/1 33/4 1/1
1134 13/2 35/5 1/0
1133 13/0 33/4 3/2
1132 16/2 30/4 3/0
1131 15/1 31/5 3/0
1130 16/1 30/5 3/0
1129 21/4 23/0 5/2
1128 21/3 23/1 5/2
1127 21/2 22/3 6/1
1126 21/2 23/4 5/0
1125 20/2 24/4 5/0
1124 21/4 25/1 3/0
1123 20/3 26/3 3/0
1122 18/2 28/4 3/0
1121 17/2 29/3 3/1
1120 19/1 28/5 2/0
1119 20/2 26/3 3/1
1118 20/0 26/6 3/0
1117 19/1 28/5 2/0
1116 17/3 31/3 1/0
1115 17/2 32/4 0/0

Will have more later ... maybe we can glean something from this ...


I don't know what these figures stand for so I am gonna go back to that website and read what he meant in details.
I know for sure our cold numbers are dead for a long time but not for log though.


don't know anything yet, but betcha 3 or 5 will repeat......and the 28, 'cause it was the bonus before.............



quite simple really, take a block or window of last 18 draws, see how many times each number hit, then classify them as hot, avg or cold based on 3 hits or more (hot), 1 or 2 (avg) and 0 hits (cold).

The chart shows how many numbers were Hot/Avg/Cold prior to each draw and then how many hits came from each category for that draw.

ie: just prior to draw 1445 there were 22 Hot nrs ... 4 of those hit

Perkis is going against the status quo here as 10 draws is the cut off for hot/cold normally, neither are average nrs singled out. His way of classifying leads to the 'Incredible Super Wheel' ... I haven't got as far yet, want to see first how BC49 compares to his example (Florida 6/53 ?), and possibly along the way stumble onto something usefull. Thought I share my 'discovery' trip as I go so other ppl can point out things I miss ... glasnost approach ;)



re: hot/avg/cold

So far so good ... there have been no more than 4 hits from the hot nrs in the 31 draws I tested ... as it should be.

What I find interesting is 2x 6 hits and 7x 5 hits come from the avg column in 31 draws ... highest count was 35 avg. nrs

Let's see how the trend continues ... may have to write a program for this :sick: ... QBasic anyone ? :D


it seems to me that Avg + Hot get 5/6 then they put one cold number....
Notice few months back it used to be 3 cold and 3 avg + hot.


not at all sure,so this:
8 boards 2, 17, 39, 40
8 boards 4, 17, 39, 40
then 23, 24, 28 48

16 boards playing 6 #'s between 15 and 36

40 boards where i started with
23, 33
24, 34
25, 35

then on each subsequent board moved one number up
or down or diagonally eg, the next board i played five #'s
the same, and moved the 23 to 12....except for 48 and 40,
stayed away from the 40's............huuraa



Not much time today + no lotto terminals on ski hill = saving $$

Just sneaked some of DB's nrs. 3 min prior to closing ...

These nrs are NOT to be drawn 14-15-19-26-28-29-30-39-31-45 according to Perkis ... we'll see

Good Luck Players !! :agree2:



QC49 ... 02-08-21-24-36-42 B40
ON49 ... 02-04-06-22-28-41 B37
BC49 ... 05-12-17-19-26-34 B24

Well, Perkis' 10 got 2 hits ... 31 I posted earlier was meant to be 41.

Florie gets another 4 hits !!! Wih a bit of luck could've been a 5+B-->29-38 were one off :agree: Congrats !!

And DB calls the 26 :agree2: (and beats me to the post :D )


today's BC49 nrs:

This is the way they hit based on Hot/Avg/Cold from past 18 draws: 4H 1A 1C

The 10 nrs that were not supposed to, got 2 hits ... apparently this nr elimination method works 45% of the time ... today fell in the other 55% I guess

... and daleks calls 17, 34 + 24B ... too bad you dropped the 5 repeat :dang: ... or did you

Combo and I are licking our wounds ... errr that is to say reloading :p:
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ComboManiac said:

it seems to me that Avg + Hot get 5/6 then they put one cold number....
Notice few months back it used to be 3 cold and 3 avg + hot.
It may be possible to spot some short term trends that way as you point out.

This H/A/C sorting is designed to help with line making in that one should not use more than 4 Hot, or 3 Cold (rare but happens) ... I gather that some kind of mix of H/A/C in every line is desirable. It is possible to get all 6 from the Avg column, tho not recommended to play them exclusively.

I think that even when using wheels other than what Perkis suggests one should crosscheck with the the H/A/C chart and change lines that are skewed with too many Hot nrs, etc. (this may be hard to do without changing the wheel cover).
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