please, rate the pick 3 under the 8 conditions.


ok, very good job frank, the best in excel, I am praying for you to go well in health.
* When you win, you will be rewarded. Thank you.
* frank you can use this planilia for any lottery using the lasts digits
* an example in the Euromillions = 09 10 13 28 41. the digits of the central trio 0,3,8
* here the default is two pairs and one odd at position 1.3 = double 0.8
* you can use on 49/6 by separating one two groups to one hundred digits
* ex = 01 15 23 26 35 49 1.5.3 6.5 9


hello frank, it's just a tip for you to work on the Euromilhao that soon you will win, it's about the central trio, well we have in the euromiulaho from 01 to 50 the central trio part from 02 to 49, because the numero 01 numca will be 2nd position only the 1st and numeral 50 only the last (5th) position then the trio are from 02 to 49 we have in total in 100% 17,296 in total but it goes filters, this last salt for example
* then you add the starting number and the end number, and then frank goes on the virgin islands with 230 million euros, to be well and far from pirate jack ehhh!

