please, general from 01 to 31 obeying the 3 positions for 0 = and even for and 1 = od


please, general from 01 to 31 obeying the 3 positions for 0 = and even for and 1 = odd.
please, general from 01 to 31 obeying the 3 positions for 0 = and even for and 1 = odd
objective to generate the trios obdecer the 8 patterns per position observe the digits from 01 to 31,
objective is to filter the trios by position


draw= 31-7
07 10 15 16 18 19 24
07 10 15=101 0=even
07 10 16=100 1=odd
07 10 18=100
07 10 19=101
07 10 24=100
07 15 16=???
07 15 18
07 15 19
07 15 24
07 16 18
07 16 19
07 16 24
07 18 19
07 18 24
07 19 24
10 15 16
10 15 18
10 15 19
10 15 24
10 16 18
10 16 19
10 16 24
10 18 19
10 18 24
10 19 24
15 16 18
15 16 19
15 16 24
15 18 19
15 18 24
15 19 24
16 18 19
16 18 24
16 19 24
18 19 24


draw= 31-7
07 10 15 16 18 19 24
07 10 15=101 0=even
07 10 16=100 1=odd
07 10 18=100
07 10 19=101
07 10 24=100
07 15 16=???
07 15 18
07 15 19
07 15 24
07 16 18
07 16 19
07 16 24
07 18 19
07 18 24
07 19 24
10 15 16
10 15 18
10 15 19
10 15 24
10 16 18
10 16 19
10 16 24
10 18 19
10 18 24
10 19 24
15 16 18
15 16 19
15 16 24
15 18 19
15 18 24
15 19 24
16 18 19
16 18 24
16 19 24
18 19 24

Well I was hoping to tell you how to do it yourself, but this is a much more complicated project than it first appears. You have to first find the 35 possible triples from each result, and then check all 35 against a truth table to determine their odd,odd,odd, even,odd, odd etc. status in 8 zones, and count them in each zone.
You need a much wider spreadsheet to fit in all the analysis, and some pretty complex string handling to keep it as compact as possible.
Again I dont see the point, its just statistics, but interesting to see the results.


hello, frank, great job, congratulations, on the post link above
* you will see diagonal patterns, and intersecting columns and empty circles
* within the statistics tables, is a way to see the sweepstakes cloud

* you can use non-50/5 or 49/6
* it is important to see that one or more patterns are zeroed or have few trios
this crossed statistic the last repeated and absent, is to play several sweepstakes in a row
* you can get to win the Euromillions, also thank you frank for the great work
* when you win you will be rewarded.


hello frank, please, on the same plane, you can do
* in each of the 8 patterns, all trios possible, should give surroundings
of 600 trios in each of the 8 paDROES,
* objective = see the trios in each pattern that has not yet been drawn
* ie trios in draw drawstage, please


hello frank, use the same formulas
* just switch to low x high
* low = 0.1,2,3,4
high = 5,6,7,8,9
low = 2
high = 3
temso 8 patterns for the low x high
* it is only change within the formula, objective to cross the patterns we will have 8x8 = 64 patterns, equal to dna


frank, how should I do to put in the formulas in another worksheet the values low / high where 2 = low
3 = high low = 0.1,2,3,4
high = 5,6,7,8,9


frank, how should I do to put in the formulas in another worksheet the values low / high where 2 = low
3 = high low = 0.1,2,3,4
high = 5,6,7,8,9

Jack, I left this topic several posts ago. Since then you’ve moved the goalposts again and gone off at a tangent AGAIN. How on EARTH with 31 numbers do you arrive at 0 to 4 is LOW and 5 to 9 is high? Don’t bother answering because I’m not doing it!


frank, in the formulas when choosing even / odd is = 0,2,4,6,8 / 1,3,5,7,9
* you just have to introduce a new paramenter in the same formulas
* that is, from low to high = 0,1,2,3,4 / 5,6,7,8,9
* in another flat or other flap or are now the low / high standards
* you can put value 2 low pair = 0,1,2,3,4 and 3 for high = 5,6,7,8,9
* then we will have here also the 8 patterns
* ex = 174 = 232/110, please



mas frank, é so mudar aonde tem par /impar mudar para baixo /alto
o resto se manter igual
como faço para mudar para baixo/ alto? por favor

Você quis dizer: mas frank, é so mudar onde tem par /impar mudar para baixo /alto o resto se manter igual como faço para mudar para baixo/ alto? por favor
but frank, it's only change where it's even / odd to change down / high
the rest stay the same
How do I change down / high? please


Did you mean: but frank, it's only change where you have even / odd change down / high the rest stay the same as do I change down / high? please

but frank, it's only change where it's even / odd to change down / high
the rest stay the same
How do I change down / high? please


Did you mean: but frank, it's only change where you have even / odd change down / high the rest stay the same as do I change down / high? please

but frank, it's only change where it's even / odd to change down / high
the rest stay the same
How do I change down / high? please

you can’t. It’s impossible. That is an entirely different unrelated project working on different aspects of the result not related to COMBINATIONS of three numbers in the range 1 to 31. . Trust me. Forget it.


But Frank, look.
* it's the mirror table
01234 = b = 2
56789 = a = 3
11 12 24 = are all low
05 16 19 = all tall
then = 05 16 19 = 333/101
* if I am going to use base 101, I know the odd is high and the pair is high and odd high, capichi
* one pattern will give indications of the other, so I get reduction
* you can use the masmas formulas just create new planilia with the parameters of low high
because if I have 101 and I do not have the other standard I have to play with 5 odd, and so to play only with the highs


Which part of GOODBYE did you FAIL to understand ?????

If you want a NEW spreadsheet doing DIFFERENT things thats a DIFFERENT TOPIC in a DIFFERENT THREAD which perhaps somebody DIFFERENT can help you with. I'm tired of your selfish behaviour Jack, so just in case you never heard me,


