Ontario Daily Keno


Here are my picks for Ontario Daily Keno Sunday May 19,...3-39 Best Bet
17-31-54-57-59-68 Good Odds
03-11-13-17-28-31-34-35-36-37-39-40-54-55-57-59-68 are good numbers, yours to pick from...here's hoping some show up so I don't look toooooo bad tomorrow here



Thanks for starting posting the Keno numbers. I am a Keno and On49 player but no one seems to be interested in posting. As soon as I am ready with my info, we can talk about K-e-n-o.:wavey:


My Ontario Keno picks for may 20,02

Well I don't think I did too bad with yesterdays picks. So I thought I would try again so here goes..
7-37 Best bet
34-39-55 Good Odds
24-31-35-36-40-41-52-54-57-59-68 are good numbers, yours to pick from.


My Ontario Daily Keno Pick for May 21,02

My picks for May 20th was well, they sucked..
Here's hoping my week gets better...
31-36 Best Bet
23-35-41-50-52-54-68 Good Odds
07-23-24-31-35-36-37-41-50-52-54-55-57-68 are good numbers, yours to pick from...

Here's hoping the week gets better.



Hi Florie and Momofone
Just wondering if you have a program that you use for the Keno Draw.
I play Keno Atlantic and have been looking for a program. I had one but I did not like it. Any help would be nice..




Hi mom (can I call you that ? :) )

Curious how you pick your nrs, d'you have a prog or select the 'hard' way ? The Keno here in BC picks 20/80 nrs 228x a day, haven't tried it yet.


-jeez that modem of my is slow, not only did you beat me but you asked the same Q Sheba :D
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Keno Question on Keno program

Its a program that I am writing, its done very good so far, but its only won small amounts, but I can take that...most weeks I win...anywhere from $2.00-$250.00...Most weeks I only buy $3.00-$6.00 per tickets per draw...but if on a day it cost me more to play the numbers I will NOT play that day...I must say, from April 15, 2002 till May 15, 2002..my winnings total..$759.00 when you take the cost of tickets away $165.00....you end up with..$594.00...small amount yes, but I haven't lost money YET, here's hoping it doesn't happen and here's hoping that the higher jackpots are within reach...I have been playing with this "system" for about 3 years...one the first draw, when I used it I put into the lottery $100.00...that one draw gave me back $27.00, I thought I was nuts loosing all that money..the next time I only put $12.00 in tickets that won $550.00, and now I NEVER spend more then $6.00 a draw...which is about $186.00 a month..


Hi momofone,

welcome on board.

Reading your post s have made me very curious about your program, since I play a 20/80 daily keno over here.
It's good to read that you're making a (small) profit; I've been writing my own programs too, but they haven't done that well (so far).
Can you give some specifics about the selection-method your program uses? And in what language do you write?
I'm very curious!



Ontario Keno Daily picks for May 22,02

Ok, my picks for May 21, well sucked again. But because I work with a week at a time, and the week starts on Mondays...and then ends on Sunday..hang in with me it can only get "I HOPE" better.
So here is the numbers for May 22,02

50-52... Best bet
24-31-37-54-59... Good bet
02-04-21-22-24-25-27-31-37-39-45-43-50-52-54-56-58-59.....your pick

Its Wed. and so far I have spent..$4.00 on Mon...$4.00 on Tue..tonight however the total $6.00 is going to be spent...see if I can get back the money and some...here's hoping...


Re: Ontario Keno Daily picks for May 22,02

momofone said:
Ok, my picks for May 21, well sucked again. But because I work with a week at a time, and the week starts on Mondays...and then ends on Sunday..hang in with me it can only get "I HOPE" better.
So here is the numbers for May 22,02

50-52... Best bet
24-31-37-54-59... Good bet
02-04-21-22-24-25-27-31-37-39-45-43-50-52-54-56-58-59.....your pick

Its Wed. and so far I have spent..$4.00 on Mon...$4.00 on Tue..tonight however the total $6.00 is going to be spent...see if I can get back the money and some...here's hoping...

That is the name of the game. We win some, we lose some. Some goods days and some bad days. Sometimes I only get 4 out of 20 predictions. I had long shot numbers for yesterday's draw-21 24 33 58 and three of them came. I don't play everyday but I keep tab of the winning numbers daily. For todays long shot I picked
20 23 54 59

Puter Picks:01 03 07 08 12 15 21 23 24 26 27 30 35 39 53 54 58 60 61 67:wavey:


Re: Keno

Sheba said:
Hi Florie and Momofone
Just wondering if you have a program that you use for the Keno Draw.
I play Keno Atlantic and have been looking for a program. I had one but I did not like it. Any help would be nice..


Hi Sheba,
I do have an old program-tells me limited info, say skip and hit, what works best with what number/s, repeating sets,etc. I saw a CD freeware in the net given away for free(??) only pay shipping but I doubt it if I can mention it here.



Trusting the accuracy of the data, here are the best repeating sets of 4 numbers (6x and up) in the last 100 draws as of today.
  1. 03 10 24 41 (7x)
  2. 12 34 49 51 (6X)
  3. 12 24 54 69 (6X) all the way down
  4. 03 23 51 57
  5. 13 50 52 65
  6. 03 10 58 60
  7. 34 49 51 69
  8. 35 38 40 54
  9. 24 34 54 69
  10. 35 40 68 69
  11. 10 24 41 57
  12. 34 51 64 69
  13. 38 48 59 70
  14. 10 34 49 51


Ontario Keno May 23,02

well, I did win $6.00 back....ONLY BECAUSE I DIDN'T PICK ONE NUMBER ON 3 TICKETS....:(
But I still am hoping...the week isn't over, so here is the numbers I picked for May 23,02
a little change here...no best picks, or good picks this time just your picks from these numbers...07-10-13-27-28-29-31-32-34-37-38-57-58-59-66-68...
I will be playing 6 tickets, of ten numbers picked from the above...I am hoping for a pay back of ANYTHING .......


Re: Ontario Keno May 23,02

momofone said:
I will be playing 6 tickets, of ten numbers picked from the above...I am hoping for a pay back of ANYTHING .......
Hi, which category are you playing? I played 5, but the thing is if you hit 3/5 you get nothing, if played 2, you spend 10 and will back 3X7=21. but 2 invested too much, and can not win big.
Interested in how're you playing.

I paid more attention to the repeating numbers the very yesterday, normally 5-8 numbers might repeat, average odd overall(20/70) though, could get focus.
For the draw of May 24, I vote 26, 45, 57,63, not playing, just watching.:)-
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Ontario Keno my pick of numbers May 24,02

Sorry, here is my pick for tonights draw numbers....your pick of 03-17-22-24-31-35-36-40-41-43-52-54-55-57-59...



Ontario Keno May 26, 02

Here are my picks...05-07-08-13-17-20-23-24-40-41-48-50-57-66

I'll again play $6.00 for 6 tickets of 10 numbers from the above...hoping for a bit of good luck

