Ont Keno Aug 15 Picks


Well, Only 5 again last night:(

For tonight 20#s 8 tickets
01 05 08 10 20 21 23 26 27 30 32 36 37 50 52 54 55 57 61 69:D

Also using some different #s for 4 tickets using 14 #s
01 02 10 12 17 46 47 51 53 61 63 68 69 70:devil:

Hope I get somewhere. I'm ready to bury my head in the sand:sad:
Bones Why don't you play that 40 series it is ready to explode ...and for an insurance policy play a few 50 and 60 along with it.....but remember Keno is also a dirty doggy world... :kaioken:
Results for Ontario Keno tonite...
01 07 08 15 18 24 29 30 37 43 45 46 48 59 50 53 54 58 63 66Well only 4 numbers in the 40 series but also a few in the 50s and 60s... :lol:


I guess I need something bigger than a hammer to nail this thing. I'll pick up a couple of quick picks later and post them. :dizzy:


Ont.Keno Aug.16

Maggie said:
I guess I need something bigger than a hammer to nail this thing. I'll pick up a couple of quick picks later and post them. :dizzy:

Got these on the way to work:

20 27 53 61
17 23 48 68
10 53 66

TGIF :bounce2: :bounce2:

