Ont.49...jan 10/03


Played Atl 649 jan 10 but never got anything...

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~


i don't post my Ontario 649 picks because i can now play SO MANY as compared to Canada 649 that it would flood this thread ))) :lol: :lol:

wait till June where i can play not only twice the amount of tickets but also for 1/2 the price ;)

Bad move Canada 649 officials people = u know who your are :confused: :eek:


BC49 brass screwed up big time too

Well I hope BC49 officials are reading this too ... a really BAD MOVE on their part re: the announced double ticket cost.
I think their bean counters missed a few legumes :dang:


probably the cheapest, and, it's only played once a week, for us in b.c. will now be super-7...if we pay attention to that the way bc/49 used to get attention, i can't but believe there will be some winners in a short time.......i've decided to do that and, pretending there are only 6 numbers to pick out of 47, the odds are then pretty good (976143:1),,,, that would then leave 2 numbers out of 41 which could be even randomly selected, to provide either the 7th or the bonus number.........mmmmm

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:beer: ......cheap beer in cans( paying the christmas bills)


Hey Daleks,

I can see how you'd play the 2/41 but not sure about the 6/47 odds being 976,143:1.
Aren't the odds 10,737,573? The way I got that was (47*46*...*42)/(6*5*...*2) .

I'd re-read them labels on them beer cans ;)


From Ontario i say=

1. YES to Ontario 649 = 50 cents/ per.

2. A BIG NO to Canada 649 at $2 /per [i'd rather play US Powerball at $1.50 cnd /per for like $100 million]

3. Also a no for Super 7.

Goodluck with the rest boys


I'm sure the OLGC will see a huge increase in their ONT 49 sales and 6/49 sales will drastically decrease. Maybe then, the powers to be will re-think this assinine scheme of theirs and realize they should have left things alone. IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!! :dang:
Maggie said:
I'm sure the OLGC will see a huge increase in their ONT 49 sales and 6/49 sales will drastically decrease. Maybe then, the powers to be will re-think this assinine scheme of theirs and realize they should have left things alone. IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!! :dang:

:agree2: :agree: :hair:

