ON49 gets "Improved"


Well, the busybodies at the OLG weren't content with meddling with the 6/49 game, now they have "improved" ON49 as well.

Of course, this is all about pulling in more $$$ for the government, marketed under the guise of an improved playing experience for the consumer. :burnt:

New ON49 will cost $1 per ticket, starting May 4th. The JP gets boosted to $2 Million, but intermediate prizes (5/6+,5/6, and 4/6 stay the same at $50,000, $500 and $50). The "improvements" consist of free tickets for 2/6, a $10 prize for 3/6 and a $3 prize for 2/6+Bonus. In other words, more money for them and chump change for us :dang:

I'm really undecided as to whether or not I will continue playing ON49. Right now I am feeling like I just got scammed. :bomb:

Good luck!


Hello, Icewynd,

"...Right now I am feeling like I just got scammed..."

Rather a pointed reality in this statement, no? (Ahem...)


