Oil Crash Coming


Just an interesting site I found last nite. Spent about 8 hrs reading through it. It tells of the oil crash that is coming with dire ramifications for humanity of a whole. Oil is expected to peak in 2005 if it hasn't already and we are all in trouble world wide since we are dependent on hydrocarbons for everything from medicine to agriculture to economics. Check out aftertheoilcrash.net.


Its a serious problem. Our populations and technologies have been grown by leaps and bounds because of cheap oil. Did you know the population of the world in 1800s was 1.5 billion. Its 6 billion right now and expected to double by 2020. This has been possible because of petroleum. We make fertilizer from it, process our food with it and package it in plastics. We also transport food with it. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides made from oil products have made 130 bushels of corn possible from one acre. Without it we will only get yields of 30 bushels. What happens to 6 billion people when food yields drop by over 75 percent?
Albertans your oils sands are an asset but did you know you need 3 barrels of water to get 1 barrel of oil. Thats alot of toxic ponds. It was said on the site to meet the demands of oil from the oil sands, Alberta will have a toxic ponds the size of Lake Ontario because they will have to build 700 refinerys to meet north america's demand. Also for every 3 barrels of oil extracted the cost is 2 barrels in invested energy. Not cost effective at the moment because you have to invest 1 dollar to get $1.50.
You can say oh it won't effect us we will have half the worlds oil left. What you haven't thought about is that after peak oil is reached, supply will decline by 3% each year. Our consumption is increasing every year. That means our energy prices will increase. Electricty, water sewage requires dependance on oil. As energy costs soar businesses will close. As countries print more money to buy oil, currency will devalue. Stock markets and economies will callapse. When people are out of work and are hungry you are gonna have riots that make the Los Angelas riots look like a Santa Clause parade. We will live in a police state.
You can say oh we have ethanol and hydrogen. Ethanol right now is made from corn. The industry survives because of subsidies from gov'ts. It costs .71% more in energy invested to get out 1 barrel of energy. Also ethanol run cars operate on 20% ethanol and 80% gasoline.
Hydrogen as an alternative source is a hoax currently. You can make hydrogen from Methane currently. Hydrogen production currently is dependant on fossil fuels. Can be made from Ethanol but like I said its not very cost effective because you end up spending a $1.71 to produce $1 of ethanol. You can say oh we can get hydrogen from water. Its not easy breaking down water molecules by electrolysis. It takes too much time unless you have the power hooked up to a nuclear power plant.
We have nuclear power! Well yes but there is alot of problems associated with this and alot of dangers. We also need fossil fuels to mine the uranium from the mines. One nuclear reactor costs 3 billion dollars each. We will need 800-1000 to satisfy our needs for the next 100 years.
As you can see the cost of finding solutions increases, decreasing the likely hood of avoiding a total callapse of society because you need fossil fuels to find solutions until one is found. When crude starts trading at 100-130 dollars a barrel you can kiss the golden age we live in good bye. You can also kill companies and jobs good bye because people won't have money to spend to buy goods. Huge shortages in everything because its all dependent on oil to make the products.
What will this lead to? Well more wars to secure existing oil fields. Mass unemployment and eventual callapse of the economy because we are a civilization based on petroleum.
Also when China which is the fastest growing economy at the moment decides well we need cheap oil too, we will have WWIII.
Why is this happening? Well we are dependent on oil as a civilization and we have enjoyed exponential growth in technology and populations. This is not sustainable growth. Same thing happens in a petri dish growing bacteria. They grow exponentially till they exhaust their resources. Then the population crashes. And eventually after eating each other to survive, the bacteria population reaches equilibrium at about 10% of its peak population. We need to change our lifestyles and way of thinking.


I think thet the human brain and mind will figure ways to fix the problem.

1. Energy conservation can save a lot, electric cars alternative fuels etc.

2. MASSIVE increase in WATER Hydro electric - ala Quebec style.

3A. Energy from wind [but for gods sakes put the ugly wind mills
in the ocean just of shore - this is already done in the netherlands].

3B. Energy from the SUN in space, yes i heard that they can put huge solar collectors in space and BEAM the Microwave energy back to earth, etc etc.

3C the invention of a new energy source -WE REALLY NEED FUSION , etc etc.

4 This should slow down the consumption of oil alot, till say humans colonize and Atmospherize say Mars Yes !!!

here's hoping:eek: :lol:
There's always hope....Just think about the overpopulation theory of ''Le club de Rome back in the 60s''
That scenario never occured....
Concerning energy....Lots of other sources do exist already...But $$$$ and those who controls it don't want to see them spread it out too fast and cutting down both their control and cash....
War on the other hand is inevitable....just look at the human history...same as lotto it will happen again,and again,and again...
Some people think that we are better than previous generations...They think that technology and modern development is better....They also always see the evolution as a get better thing...Let me tell you this...We are at the same very low level of evolution as the Neandertal man...We are just better killer...
People these days just forget about nature....
People can't forget nature in order to survive..But nature can forget man and survive...


Reminds me of those people we all saw on the street corners carrying the "End of the world is near signs"


Quebec can use hydro because they have lots of hydro resources. Last I checked Ontario has Niagara falls and thats about it. Peter if we go at current rate we are headed for a cliff and big corp and gov'ts are telling us the speed limit is 200km/hr right now. As for solar and wind you can't run cars on it. You can't make solvents and lubricants, plastics, pharmaceutical drugs, chemical fertilizers from it. Currently if you run solar panels you can with storage tanks run your hot water from it, but as far as running your whole house from it, its not possible. Also solar panels are made from computer chips and plastic.
Alternative fuels currently are ethanol cars which run on 20% ethanol 80% gasoline. Hydrogen currently is best made from methane, and you still need gasoline to run the car.


:sick: where are the plans for the carberators that get 60+ miles to a gallon, those oil companies that bought out the rights to them are sittig on them till the time is right and there is actually a real shortage of fuel, then they will bring them out and can charge even more for cars with them in.
maybe we should all be investing in alternative energy companies instead of trying to win the lottery.
Of course I tried that a few years ago and my shares are now at about 20% of their valueI bought at; come on oil shortage I might get rich yet. This weeks loto numbers sure didn't do it for me.


Lots of hydro resources in NFLD, and we will own it someday! ...But not in my day!

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~


Lots of Oil Resources here as well.... we own some of that...

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~


Sheba said:
Lots of Oil Resources here as well.... we own some of that...

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
Newfoundland and Labrador will be very prosperous in the years to come. :agree:
Beaker said:
Newfoundland and Labrador will be very prosperous in the years to come. :agree:
Yes when you think about it...And the Québec government traded that Labrador for peanuts...What fooled them is the way the frontier has been set up....They used The waterways to split the territory...What they called in french ''La ligne de partage des eaux'' In other terms from the very beginning of all the rivers (In many cases very small streams)that the current is carrying towards an eastern direction into the sea draw a line to separate the two provinces . That way large portions of inland was given away.... I wouldn't be surprized that the Québec politicians crooks---> :heul: of the time didn't know what it represented in terms of land.....Or maybe they knew it too well but were bought by the feds---> :heul: to stay quiet about it...
Though nobody from Québec population will admit it openly...It sickens their heart every time they look at a map and see that northern part of land not belonging to them anymore...
That way the people were badly screwed ....
''It is like a big needle into Québec abdomen'' :bawl:
Never should have done that... :no:
But we...Native people have been screwed for much more...(especially by the feds)...So it is nothing compared to what we feel when looking at a map these days...


Dennis Bassboss said:
That way the people were badly screwed ....
''It is like a big needle into Québec abdomen'' :bawl:
Never should have done that... :no:
But we...Native people have been screwed for much more...(especially by the feds)...So it is nothing compared to what we feel when looking at a map these days...

Just about every prov has been screwed by the/their Governments!

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~

