Dennis Bassboss
All the 1889 draws distribution of odd and even..
Whithout bonus----------With bonus
0/6 total 016------------0/7 total 006
1/5 total 143------------1/6 total 068
2/4 total 433------------2/5 total 292
3/3 total 605------------3/4 total 496
4/2 total 480------------4/3 total 571
5/1 total 195------------5/2 total 348
6/0 total 017------------6/1 total 100
--------------------------7/0 total 008
Whithout bonus----------With bonus
0/6 total 016------------0/7 total 006
1/5 total 143------------1/6 total 068
2/4 total 433------------2/5 total 292
3/3 total 605------------3/4 total 496
4/2 total 480------------4/3 total 571
5/1 total 195------------5/2 total 348
6/0 total 017------------6/1 total 100
--------------------------7/0 total 008