Nov. 13 provincial '49 picks


the last 90 draws, these were drawn.....

frequency .. #'s drawn

17 .. 17,40
16 .. 1,10,47
15 .. 38
14 .. 9,11,37,39,41
13 .. 12,15,22,29,32
12 .. 8,24,30,43
11 .. 7,16,18,21,42,44
10 .. 2,6,23,27,35,36,45,48
9 .. 3,19,20,25,26

eliminating those drawn in the last three draws, i'm playing two combo 9's from what is left

15,22,1,10,37,39,41,24,30 and


now, a cold beer........................:dizzy: :dizzy:
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All you need here is to match 3/9 and you are laughing ...
Good Luck as they look promising to me.
I like ppl who have the means to play that way cause I am sure you will get 5+/6 soon or the Jackpot :agree:


I am trying now LA with a new approach as I have never used the filters provided there. I always used Announced/pairs.
Results look promising.

For Nov 13 Draw I will stick to 18-41....I don't think 40's will dominate like previous draws.


My friend lost the Combo 10 last draw and he was pissed off cause it was a matter of OON and he told me as if they did it on purpose to piss them off...
The time will come and I will do it with him in dec and will try to get another person to reduce the losses just in case and who knows we might go for QP !!


BC49 Picks

The even nrs are in gross majority in my picks for this draw, 11/16 :

D. 24-30-36-37-46 ... likely dues
O. 39-11-12-43-36-08 ... expect 1 or 2 oons
R. 11-10-09 ... expect 1 repeat
A. 11-40-18-38-20-24 ... the 11 really stands out in announced and shows up in reps and one off nrs as well ...

Think I'll wheel FW7 and FW8, not sure yet which nrs where, have to drop one ...

Too bad about your friend's lack of luck Combo, you'll have better results with your LA LA approach :agree: .

Looks like we have 6 nrs in common Daleks, 10-39-24-30-36-37, better play than a QP ! :agree2:


Will abandon 46 but if it shows its ugly face, I will be in trouble.
LA agrees on numbers 11-18-20 can't remember the rest cause I am at work right now.


That friend of mine lost only $18.00 in the Combo 10 cause there were 6 ppl on it..Not bad


I never played those DN's but I know when they hit you win a lot..
Might as well Play Combo 5 cause it's the same idea.
Btw 10-24-30 are famous to hit together and you can add 29 as well.


Hey Cookie,

combo 5 is the ultimate DN wheel for a 6 nr lott :D

The 29 is just off my scope, sneaking up on the secondary radar in uncontrolled airspace tho, could be worth a try.

Not for my sake but I have a feeling LA will hit something tonite because of the new use of filters.
I won't play 29 and hopefully it doesn't show up.
We have to win that Super 7..Come on Brado do something about it :agree:


re: Stupor 7

I've had noooo luck with that game, only thing I can suggest is pick QPs till you're blue in the face (or your wallet is empty ... which ever comes first) :D Don't go getting a second mortgage tho :dang: !!

Yes it will be $3.00 QP as I have been a bit lucky that way. Unless you give me good news for tonite's draw by winning let's say $200.00 then I would go for AW 11 or 12



Man, you just busted thru a lucky post few back, it will be a good draw !! :) ... not that I'm superstitious :dizzy: :lol:


Hmmm lemme see ... your're at 781 ... count backwards to 777 ... and you're there !!! ;) unless you posted outside of this section, then we'll never know :eek: :bawl: ... now I'm getting :nuts:
Playing these tonite in the Québec/49...
Pick 6 : 10 numbers (5/6) 14 games
The 10 wheel numbers are
19 43 01 30 27 39 34 41 20 36
001. 19 43 01 30 27 39
002. 19 39 34 41 20 36
003. 43 30 27 34 20 36
004. 19 01 27 34 41 36
005. 43 01 30 39 41 20
006. 30 27 39 34 41 36
007. 19 43 01 41 20 36
008. 43 01 27 39 34 20
009. 19 30 27 34 41 20
010. 19 43 01 30 39 34
011. 19 43 27 39 41 36
012. 19 01 30 39 20 36
013. 43 01 30 34 41 36
014. 01 27 39 41 20 36



BC49 02 13 28 40 43 46 B23
QE49 08 12 25 31 35 42 B36

What's with the 40s ?! Amazingly enough all three hit for me :rolleyes:

Ended up playing only AW12_22, got 3/12 ... $20 from $11. This means that I'm up $2 for all the draws from start of Aug :cool: :D

This draw had 2 oons and 1 rep --> 40 threepeated.
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BC49 had a JP , 2nd prize and 29 5nr winners on Nov 9 ! That doesn't happen too often in this lottery .


Only once in the last year I believe the JP was won 2x in a row and that was a miracle in my terms.
But look at today, nothing at 1st and 2nd prize..

BTW lotto 97 will remain the best in producing winners as it got $20.00 last night compared to LA when both had 20 lines of predictions !!
I am sure if I keep playing that way either will match 4/6 ( I didn't play that way, just watching).

