Nick Koutras


Does anybody know if Nick Koutras still follows this forum. I have a question for him with respect to a Error6(overflow) that I run into when I run the skip routine in LottostatisicsXLS. I have been given an instruction that could fix the issue but I would need to get into the code for the program but its password protected. Thanks to all who will reply.


No Nick hasn't been near this forum or any other I know of for several years. Some of us fear the worst, hopefully, we are wrong.
There are Excel password removers out there, but you need to download a safe one, from a trusted site.


Hi Bloubul, I went to the crazy nuts website as you suggested and downloaded two of the spreadsheets for lottostatistics as there was more than one. However, I have not been able to open them up as I keep getting an EXCEL.EXE has stopped working error. When I run my own lottostatistics.xls programs they run error free. Don't know what the solution is but I'll spend some time on it this morning to see if I can hammer one out. BTW I'm running excel 97. Thank you for your help.


Hi larbec, I tried the freeware version of the software you suggested and I'm sure it will work. I'll have to purchase the software as the password in question is greater than three characters in length. I'll keep trying some other free methods and if they don't work I'll contemplate purchasing this software. Thank you for your time.

