New Forum! - Computers and the Internet


We have the worlds most talented lottery experts in our our online community - predictionists, software developers, database, excel gurus, wheel designers and just all round dedicated lottery players.

We also have a ton of members on this board who are extremely skilled in all facets of computers and the Internet. Afterall the computer and the Internet are our new age tools to pursue the dream of catching that jackpot and alowing us to share our tips, ideas and feelings with like minded friends in the realm of digital communication.

So I decided to try out a new forum on computers and the Internet.



Great addition LT :agree2:

As you say, we have had many great contributions - from security, spyware, browsers etc. - nice to have it all in one place :agree:


new faster SATA2 hard drives out
New faster DDR2 memory out
New pentiums coming out with 64 bit and dual cores
New 23 inch & 30- inch LCD out - a thing of beauty
etc etc

how i can i ever keep up ):lol: :eek:


...tell me about it... ...when your new hardware arrives at your doorstep, its already old technology...
charles2 said:
new faster SATA2 hard drives out
New faster DDR2 memory out
New pentiums coming out with 64 bit and dual cores
New 23 inch & 30- inch LCD out - a thing of beauty
etc etc

how i can i ever keep up ):lol: :eek:



Hello all and ...Thank You to...LT!

Don't know how you folks feel, trying to weed out certain technical information when the old or new "mechanical/electro" goes on the fritz but I would rather have first handson experienced information from live people vs. a website that sell rather than shares some of the needed sometimes simple fixes that one of us may have had. Now I'm not against those technical sites because some of them are the only readily available info sources available yet some of us have gone beyond...the Beta testing!
Again, my appreciation, LT,

Teufellj... :dizzy:


Must second the comments above

Great idea! :agree:

I've already learned much from others here, this section will make the info easier to navigate.
Since you have such top talent perhaps you should start a lotto club?

I think the ultimate marketing plan would have an upward progression.

If you recruited more then the person above you then you would be above that person. They would still benifit due to haveing a downline from people you recruited.

Just got an E-mail today that one lotto club was a scam. Have to check and see if there is a place here that has scam post warnings. Anyway, he recommends this forum on his forum.



I was hoping you wouldn't go into that. When you posted in Q&A it looked like you were gonna break into a sales pitch, now I see you were just warming up to it.

We've seen a lot of marketing crap here before and if that's your intention your stay here will be very short lived. The profile gives you away, nothing subtle about it, so think before posting again.

Btw, spell check works wonders especially if one's trying to make a presentation.
Lotomagic ...I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...
Since you have not done anything wrong to my knowledge so far...
Welcome to the board...


FYI ... just so that we're on the same page, this is from his/her profile:

"In a lotto club 1-877-xxxx-xxx ID z4xxx for free info"

I put the 'x's in, no need to become anybody's advertizing fool.
I edited out the URL

thought a phone number would be okay. When I first came here I got in trouble for haveing a url in the profile. Would have had it in the sig but the E-police here are very astute and complaining before I even made a post.

I may purch some adverts here. And I have found several forums that permit links in signatures. Unfortunatly non of them are gambling related. One Cycler/Bike forum is cool with my link. The other forums cool with it are either general or music.

I don't think that makes them fools. If they were lotto related I would give them first crack at my advertizing doller. I personally think they are more friendly and certinly would not insult them for letting me post a link in a sig.

With all the stated expertice which I do think is valid I do seriously think you guys should consider starting up a lotto club.
I know of about 4 such clubs and I'm in one planning on joining a second one which was advertized on this board.

I'm member 126 of 288 of the group that advertized here. I think the guy who avertized here may be a member incognito. Came back to try and figure out who he is here.
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