need excel help pick3


Looking at some older systems here, I saw some potential in this, but it wasn't covering all sides of the angle. I'd like to test this system, but it would take too long to do on paper.

Hi, wondering if anyone can put this into a user friendly Excel...thanks.

I want to input the last winning number, and get 80 sets to play.

The variables are,

A: +++

B: ++-

C: -++

D: +-+

E: +--

F: -+-

G: --+

H: ---

I'd like those variables to be applied to,


8 variables X 10 sets= 80 sets to back test...thanks.


As in 67% repeat a digit but not in the position I think of filtering
* So the letters E F G where it has the + sign is a digit of the last draw
And also do not repeat nor a digitios of the last one can be used as filter
* Or 8 patterns show all angles, but there are more than others that are drawn


we can join as filters the doubles are pairs and doubles are of odd
Pairs = 0,2,4,6,8
Odds = 1,3,5,7,9
Ex 881 = double pairs 88
With an odd
Double odd two = 158
We have two odd
Objective to look for pairs and odd pairs within
From the three positions of pick 3 and pick4 also
Another ex = filter that the last two digits of pick3 are pairs
Then 524

