Reboot daily, open windows logically
Well, I guess if you lock up 2x daily, then rebooting is already being done.
It has been my experience in the past, the less # of windows you open and close, the less likely you are to crash or lockup. If you have windows that you open up on a regular basis, open them up FIRST, then open up the ones you only open occasionally. Don't close the regular ones either, just leave them open. There seems to be something about opening and closing alot of windows that makes a system go unstable, and then
for no reason at all.
With as much VB as I do sometimes, this method works for me.
Trust me, if anyone can lock up a PC, its me!!
An internet tech support took a call from a lady called one afternoon, and the following conversation resulted:
lady:"My mouse is acting funny"
tech:"Can you explain the problem in more detail"
lady:"When I click, nothing happens, just a menu pops up"
tech:"What menu?"
lady:"You know, the menu that pops up when you click"
tech:"Oh? You mean when you right click?"
lady:"No, when I left click"
tech:"So, your left handed?"
lady:"Yes sir"
tech:"So your mouse is configured for left hand operation?"
lady:"No sir"
tech:"Have you checked the mouse settings?"
lady:"Yes sir"
tech:"When was the last time you rebooted?"
lady:"Three weeks ago, I think"
tech:"Why dont we go ahead and reboot now..."
lady:"Ok. You think this might fix the problem?"
Time passes... .... ...
lady:"It's rebooted, Oh, the problem went away!"
tech:"Great. Maybe you should think about rebooting more often"
BTW, the tech was me!!