Money Spent


Here is the amount I will spend on this Wednesday's Draw..

6 lines = 6.00
2 Lines = 2.00

Sometimes I may get an insta piks so maybe another 2.00 with that so my total is 10.00..

Maybe alot for some but thats it. I do not smoke anymore so now I put some of my Non Smoking Money towards the Lottery...

It is cheaper for me to play this game than it was for me to smoke..

AS for winning.... can't win unless you in..

Have a nice day!


I have the luxury of being in an office lottery pool so the money spent on wheeling is not all from my own pocket! We've been doing this for a few years now with minor wins, but we're always optimistic that the big one is 'just around the corner.'
Of course, I always buy a couple of tickets just for me


9$ A WEEK.
3$ with group (10 persons) at lottery store
we play combination 8 numbers + 2 extra (encore for ontario)
last draw we get 3 numbers + 2$ extra
6$ my favorites numbers
no any more quick picks


Clarity said:
I have the luxury of being in an office lottery pool so the money spent on wheeling is not all from my own pocket! We've been doing this for a few years now with minor wins, but we're always optimistic that the big one is 'just around the corner.'
Of course, I always buy a couple of tickets just for me

I am also in a group at work but they don't like to wheel there numbers.. I had tried the past 3 weeks with no luck so now it is back to insta piks.. Wish they would not but I am out voted...Oh well I tried but to no such luck but they do agree that I will win someday and when that day comes I will tell them It was a wheel that did it! :lol: :p:


Lotto $$

My self imposed ceiling is $15 per draw which is good for 30 lines in BC49, although I often don't even spend as much. There were times when I felt 'strongly' about my picks and bet more but so far that approach hasn't really paid off ... so much for listening to my twisted gut :D.

My Lotto 'account', since I started keeping track as of the 1st draw in Aug, is negative $9. Was tempted to up my ante but my recent slump sobered me up. :dizzy:


