MM picks for 6/20


Post your picks here! I will be working on a filter stack today for this game, based on the past drawing history. Let's see what WINHunter can churn out for this game!!

...time passes... (edit's post)

I am currently predicting 38 numbers for the bonus ball and still getting excellent output (10 for 10 in the last ten draws!)

...short time passes...

Make that 35 numbers, and still working on decreasing it!

Last edited:


Current MegaBall Stack Progress

Here is the back test results for the most recent 20 draws with the stack I am currently optimizing:


XX: YY, Matched

XX = Draw order, #1 being the most recent draw
YY = Number of Balls predicted
Matched = Number of balls matched for that draw from the prediction.

20: 18, 0 of 1	
19: 5, 0 of 1	
18: 17, 0 of 1	
17: 18, 0 of 1	
16: 5, 1 of 1 ***	
15: 5, 0 of 1	
14: 18, 0 of 1	
13: 6, 0 of 1	
12: 6, 0 of 1	
11: 7, 0 of 1	
10: 8, 1 of 1 ***	
9: 7, 1 of 1 ***	
8: 4, 0 of 1	
7: 4, 1 of 1 ***	
6: 4, 1 of 1 ***	
5: 5, 1 of 1 ***	
4: 6, 0 of 1	
3: 6, 0 of 1	
2: 7, 1 of 1 ***	
1: 7, 0 of 1

Keep in mind, this entire stack is being optimized for the most recent 10 draws. By removing the third group from this stack, I can obtain these results:

20: 48, 1 of 1 ***	
19: 34, 0 of 1	
18: 47, 1 of 1 ***	
17: 47, 0 of 1	
16: 34, 1 of 1 ***	
15: 34, 1 of 1 ***	
14: 47, 1 of 1 ***	
13: 35, 1 of 1 ***	
12: 35, 1 of 1 ***	
11: 36, 1 of 1 ***	
10: 36, 1 of 1 ***	
9: 36, 1 of 1 ***	
8: 34, 1 of 1 ***	
7: 33, 1 of 1 ***	
6: 33, 1 of 1 ***	
5: 35, 1 of 1 ***	
4: 36, 1 of 1 ***	
3: 36, 1 of 1 ***	
2: 37, 1 of 1 ***	
1: 38, 1 of 1 ***

Basically, the last group eliminates a major chunk of numbers and thus reflects why the sudden decrease in matching hits.

I will do what I can to optimize this more, but I may also stick with this last setup. For those of you curious, here is the prediction from this current stack setup.

6 Predictions for the next drawing:

And here is the prediction without the Third group

36 Predictions for the next drawing:

I have 99.9% faith that the Mega ball is in the above group. Which is a 30% reduction in ball quantity.



Second Stack Prediction

Here is the second Stack's prediction for the Mega ball:

14 Predictions for the next drawing:

I will try to have the Main drawing predictions in the next hour or so.



3 Stacks for the Main Drawing...

Here are three stacks and their last 10 draw performance. The first Stack was chosen because 500+ draws ago it chose the jackpot in only 13 balls. Perhaps this is an "Overdue" Stack? Also, it was a stack origionally designed for the Florida Lottery.

10: 15, 4 of 5	
9: 12, 1 of 5	
8: 14, 2 of 5	
7: 16, 0 of 5	
6: 18, 4 of 5	
5: 15, 1 of 5	
4: 16, 2 of 5	
3: 14, 2 of 5	
2: 12, 1 of 5	
1: 13, 1 of 5

14 Predictions for the next drawing:

Stack #2

10: 13, 4 of 5	
9: 13, 0 of 5	
8: 13, 2 of 5	
7: 12, 3 of 5	
6: 22, 3 of 5	
5: 20, 2 of 5	
4: 21, 3 of 5	
3: 20, 4 of 5	
2: 20, 5 of 5 ***	
1: 19, 1 of 5

12 Predictions for the next drawing:

Stack #3

10: 21, 5 of 5 ***	
9: 21, 2 of 5	
8: 23, 5 of 5 ***	
7: 19, 2 of 5	
6: 22, 2 of 5	
5: 17, 1 of 5	
4: 20, 2 of 5	
3: 16, 2 of 5	
2: 17, 2 of 5	
1: 18, 3 of 5

17 Predictions for the next drawing:

Goodluck to those playing tonight!



Just for Giggles...

Here is the prediction from the 014test.xml stack. This stack was generated to mimic the outputs of the origional v0.1.4 version of WINHunter.

9 Predictions for the next drawing:



*Slaps face*

Beaker said:
The winning numbers were 01-02-03-12-37 and the Mega Ball number was 35

Originally posted by winhunter
6 Predictions for the next drawing:

Does this success mean anything? Is a successful Mega ball prediction anygood, or is this still TOO many balls for a Mega ball prediction?

I will post another prediction for the Mega ball, and I will work all day today on a fresh stack for the MegaMillion main machine. I wound up spending more time on the mega ball than I did on the main machine. I do think I have a rather solid stack though for the Mega ball, or at least it is still in it's streak...



Re: *Slaps face*

winhunter said:
Does this success mean anything? Is a successful Mega ball prediction anygood, or is this still TOO many balls for a Mega ball prediction?

I will post another prediction for the Mega ball, and I will work all day today on a fresh stack for the MegaMillion main machine. I wound up spending more time on the mega ball than I did on the main machine. I do think I have a rather solid stack though for the Mega ball, or at least it is still in it's streak...

6 predictions for a mega ball is excellent :agree2: I mean wheel 12 numbers x 6 :agree2: For $180,000,000 I'd do it :notme:

You do that in 6/49 or 6/53 and you can focus in on a DN to build on :agree:

Nice hit :agree2:

