WOW! What a shocker !This is the squirming wheel folks…I know that it might look unfair to most of you here…especially if you check its history but I am after them big time tonite…And Dennis has to crush that dispecable jynx to oblivion...
Pick 3 : 18 numbers (2/3) 24 games +3 DN numbers=21 numbers wheeled
3 DNs are…31-18-08 on every dam line...
The 18 numbers wheel in the 2/3 are
26 48 47 16 20 34 28 29 27 05 41 09 37 10 03 43 49 01
001. 26 48 47
002. 16 20 34
003. 28 29 27
004. 05 41 09
005. 37 10 03
006. 43 49 01
007. 26 16 28
008. 48 20 29
009. 47 34 27
010. 05 37 43
011. 41 10 49
012. 09 03 01
013. 26 20 27
014. 26 34 29
015. 48 16 27
016. 48 34 28
017. 47 16 29
018. 47 20 28
019. 05 10 01
020. 05 03 49
021. 41 37 01
022. 41 03 43
023. 09 37 49
024. 09 10 43 Hints...Hints...08-18-31
Playing only this wheel 8 numbers full wheel as mentionned earlyer...