LottoSelectorXL v104



Can any one please help with the above spreadsheet that are able to take more than 50 numbers.
The spreadsheet was done by Nick Koutras. His email and web addresses are dead.

BlouBul :cool:


I forgot to mention that the problem lies with the 3 Bin method, if it is more that 50 numbers the macro just stop working.
All the other functions works perfectly.

BlouBul :cool:


I've managed to work around the problem of the 3 Bin method, but I could not solve the problem that the macro just stop working, any ideas why it stop working and than on the second open of the sheet it work........ still no error message

BlouBul :cool:


I've managed to work around the problem of the 3 Bin method, but I could not solve the problem that the macro just stop working, any ideas why it stop working and than on the second open of the sheet it work........ still no error message

BlouBul :cool:

Not all of us have a copy of LottoSelectorXL v104, I for one do not have a copy. If the macros are password protected to prevent access it is unlikely anyone can help you unless they have the means to crack the password. Nick was an awesome programmer, even with access to the macros it could be tricky trying to reverse engineer what he was doing.



My copy is not protected why I do not know, as I downloaded it from his site.
I'll send you one.

BlouBul :cool:


I've still got a copy of this program but didn't find it useful in being able to select or eliminate any numbers. Just produced a lot of combos with one number hits.



Sorry for the delay, but I've changed ISP and it took a bit longer the be setup at the new ISP.
Check your inbox.

BlouBul :cool:



Sorry for the delay, but I've changed ISP and it took a bit longer the be setup at the new ISP.
Check your inbox.

BlouBul :cool:

I eventually found it. You sent it to an unexpected unmonitored email address. I did explain to you last time that the only reason I used that address to reply was that I am unable to reply from my lotterygen address. I still expect and monitor incoming emails to lotterygen, so that is the address to send to.

I have the file now and your data sets. As expected it is going to be a challenge. I dont even know or understand how to use it, what the various terms mean on the buttons, what it is doing or why. I thought turning off error handling would allow error reporting but it seems not.
No promises, but I'll take a look.


Thanks for your latest email with more detailed user instructions. I'll take a look. It could take some time ...


Thanks for your latest email with more detailed user instructions. I'll take a look. It could take some time ...

Hi Bloubul,

Well Ive tested Lottoselector extensively and examined the code for the 3 bins macro and here are my conclusions:-
The good news is it is working perfectly, needs no amendments which is just as well as it is copyrighted.
I think the issue you are facing arises as a result of the data you are feeding in. The 3 bins feature is particularly sensitive to the integrity of the dataset you input. Built into the reading procedure is a mechanism that looks for a homogeneous build up of frequencies/skips with no dead balls or inconsistencies or skews in balance of the lottery. If it encounters any it simply aborts the process with no output.
I created 2 test files:-
testset 59 ...highest ball number 59 .. works 1000 draws
testset 80....highest ball number 80 .. works 1000 draws
I have emailed you all the test files.

This proves that the reason some files do not work has nothing to do with the highest ball number.

The data files you sent me had some datasets that worked and others that didn't. Here is a rundown of the outcomes.

1.russia_649 (works OK, with sufficient draws) is a pure 649 database
2. lunch.txt (works OK , with sufficient draws) as it is a uniform 649 file throughout.

3.powerball.txt doesnt work because it is a mixed matrix set of results. The highest ball number is 45 up to draw 896 then it changes to up to highest ball 50 for the rest of the draws. 3 bins method does not like this at all, sees ball 50 missing for too long over lotto history and throws it out. No output.

I split the powerball.txt results into 2 files :-
a) powerball_45 with 896 draws (renumbered 1 to 896) it works.
b) powerball_50 with only 34 (most recent) draws. Doesn't work because there are not enough draws in the file for it to check for a balanced set.

4.usa powerball.txt doesnt work because it mixes 3 matrices in a single file.The first 1093 draws are 549 matrix, followed by 1356 draws using 559 matrix, followed by 318 draws using 569 matrix. And you wondered why it didnt' work ??

I have split this file into 3 files :-

a) usapowerball_49 which is a pure 549 file for the first 1093 draws, it works

b) usapowerball_59 which is a pure 559 file for the next 1356 draws, it works. Note that they need to be renumbered to start from draw 1 for it to work (even though its not really draw 1).

c) usapowerball_69 which is a pure 569 file which has 318 or so draws, not enough data for the 3 bins method to work.

I have found out by running tests that for a lottery with up to 69 numbers even 500 draws might not be enough data for the programme to be happy that the data set is balanced with no dead balls. It would give no output.

In fact I created test sets of 559 matrix results, 500 draws in each and some sets worked in 3 bins, some sets didn't. The difference seems to be balance across the lottery is needed.

Try 559TEST_FAILS and try 559TEST_WORKS, both 500 draws - one works the other fails, for the reasons mentioned. A 569 lottery needs even more draws before a balance can be seen.

I have included all the test files and reconfigured powerball files in a zip file in my email to you.

Just an observation, if you are using any application, be it Excel or otherwise to predict the next draw, I would suggest it needs to be working on a dataset that agrees with with the current lottery matrix in question. If you mix your results with ancient results on a different matrix you cannot expect the prediction process to be accurate. Just because other parts of Lottoselector give an output, it doesnt mean they are of any use or meaningful, if you mix up data sets. Im sure Nick Koutras wasnt expecting mixed datasets being imported when he designed this programme.


I'm sincerely thankful for what you had done.
You've d open my eyes, as the mix draws never ever crossed my mind.
Before I load any draws again I will first ascertain if it is a straight draw or mix.

Once again a big thank you.

BlouBul :cool:


Does any one have a copy of LottoSelectorXL v105, if you do will you please upload a copy for me.

Thank you in advance.

BlouBul :cool:

