LottoDesigner questions for Nick


Hello Nick!!

Just a couple of questions on constraints;

1. Is it possible to set up a positional wheel using constraints and allow a few numbers from each constraint to overlap.

ID Min Max Constraint
Pos1 1 2 '01020304050607
Pos2 1 2 '07080910111213
Pos3 1 2 '13141516171819

If 1 is picked for pos1 then i dont want 2,3,4,5,6 picked but 7 can be picked to go with 1 as it is an overlap from Pos2 Constraint. The problem in this case is the max setting. Is there a way around this?

2. Is it critical in which order you have your constraints listed. ie does it process the first row constraint first then moves down a row to the next constraint and so on until it reaches the bottom of the constraints list.

Thanking you in advance

Irvin said:
Hello Nick!!

Just a couple of questions on constraints;

1. Is it possible to set up a positional wheel using constraints and allow a few numbers from each constraint to overlap.

ID Min Max Constraint
Pos1 1 2 '01020304050607
Pos2 1 2 '07080910111213
Pos3 1 2 '13141516171819

If 1 is picked for pos1 then i dont want 2,3,4,5,6 picked but 7 can be picked to go with 1 as it is an overlap from Pos2 Constraint. The problem in this case is the max setting. Is there a way around this?

2. Is it critical in which order you have your constraints listed. ie does it process the first row constraint first then moves down a row to the next constraint and so on until it reaches the bottom of the constraints list.

Thanking you in advance


Hi Irvin,

LottoDesigner does all that, independent of the overlapping numbers.
Depending on the version you have
you may have to do the following
to make it work as you described above.
After you enter your Groups, click
the "Show Frequencies" button.
If any numbers show as 0 frequency,
copy this group from that cell and enter it as a new constraint (filter) with 0 Min & Max hits.

Now you are ready to generate as many sets you require and all of them shall comply to your filters.

