looking for a wheel


Hi everybody.
I'm a new lotto abducted from Spain. I've benn looking and learning during a couple of days and i think it's the moment to take part.

The level here is too high for me just now so i'll start asking you for a wheel, but i hope contribute with any idea very soon.

The wheel i'm looking for is (20,8,3,3), anyone know it or where i can find it?

Thanks advanced.
Sorry for my english, i'm not too used on type it.


I checked Peter's Wheels for 8 # lottos and there aren't too many listed. Nearest one to your specs is (20,8,5,8)=43 lines, click here



Thank's Brad.
you're nice
I already know this one, but your help is appreciated.:thumb:
If you ever find it, please, let me know.


No prob Bert,

was gonna try CoverMaster but it only does up to 7# lottos, wonder if Jade is capable of producing 8# wheels, I don't have that prog anymore ? It used to and may still be free software.

Alternately we could ask Nick Koutras nicely to make one for you when he's not busy,


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That was quick, Thanks Nick :agree2:

ps. Bert , I checked that Jade Lottery Systems is still free, good for 3-6 number lottos only.
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to Nick

Thank's Nick

Finally somebody knows it, great. You are the :king:

hope may help you next time



Brad said:
That was quick, Thanks Nick :agree2:

ps. Bert , I checked that Jade Lottery Systems is still free, good for 3-6 number lottos only.

Thanks you too, Brad

I´m happy whit this wheel, long time wanted.

:beer: greetings.

