KENO piks APRIL 4- 10


Had to get them early due to system shutdown...
April 4 Keno Atlantic

Best of Luck everyone!

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
Everybody's got a dream
Going to play these lines for the whole week In
Québec Banco folks....
17 22 30 25 24 47
17 25 24 47 57 14
22 30 24 47 57 14
17 22 30 25 57 14
25 47 26 52 54 42
25 52 54 42 47 62
17 26 54 42 47 62
25 17 26 52 47 62
04 17 33 30 40 52
04 30 40 52 47 62
17 33 40 52 47 62
04 17 33 30 47 62
04 39 53 20 34 09
04 20 34 09 10 65
39 53 34 09 10 65
04 39 53 20 10 65
Thunderbolts hit me!!:kaioken: :kaioken:
Might also add some pick 4 for tonite's draw as there is a bonus draws sessions in Québec Banco...Pays 1 1/2 ...


Sheba said:
Had to get them early due to system shutdown...
April 4 Keno Atlantic

Best of Luck everyone!

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
Everybody's got a dream

02 03 09 11 14 15 18 22 23
26 34 37 45 47 50 56 61 62 63 66....:crap:

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
Everybody's got a dream


Those were worse than my own piks...I will be back to picking my own after Thursday...
I will be back on Thursday! Watch for them...:D

Sheba__:bouncy: :dog:~~~
Everybody's got a dream


April 05

05 08 14 16 27 32 38 47 48 52
06 09 15 17 21 23 31 37 44 69
08 14 16 17 26 27 38 43 47 56
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Originally posted by Dennis Bassboss
...this tiny set is mine for tonite...and for the next 25 draws...At 25$ bet each night...09-43-58

Originally posted by Dennis Bassboss
If I don't hit in the next 7 draws with them...I'll play them at 50$ per night.... :lol:

DB how's the 09-43-58 :rolleyes:

I know, I know you didn't play it at all :p:

It's only a joke here my friend...

Try the 29-31-59 for a couple of days it will repeat... :agree:

Take care... be back!

Don't be mad about my joke please...

stone2kstone said:
Originally posted by Dennis Bassboss
...this tiny set is mine for tonite...and for the next 25 draws...At 25$ bet each night...09-43-58

Originally posted by Dennis Bassboss
If I don't hit in the next 7 draws with them...I'll play them at 50$ per night.... :lol:

DB how's the 09-43-58 :rolleyes:

I know, I know you didn't play it at all :p:

It's only a joke here my friend...

Try the 29-31-59 for a couple of days it will repeat... :agree:

Take care... be back!

Don't be mad about my joke please...

Nice post Stone2k....Very sensitive... :agree2:
But I would also play these with yours...
:lol:But of course I'm not playing any pick 3 anymore in that lotto...I already blasted it ...Still unmatched to this day on the board..Having 10 times 3 numbers out of 3 from very few lines played ...In fact all of them hit that night...(didn't see it happen before on that board and didn't see it happen after on this board :no: ) I could hit them again but instead I'm going after a much bigger prize here....
(Huge increase budget from prior wins in various lotto allow me to do that...)
I'm no longer after peanuts here anymore like you are...But I understand you...You got to start to win somewhere...Even if badluck is haunting you a lot lately don't despair you should win soon!:agree2:
...A big thunderbolt will hit here soon...As soon as I'll have more times on my hand I'll show you...Kaboom again!!!
Lets hope that these encouraging words will help you overcome the sadness you suffer from losing big amounts of $$$$
draw after draw lately..
OH! and by the way ...the 09-43-58 could be the DNs in that big win that will come very soon...
:agree: :agree2:
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Dennis Bassboss said:
But I would also play these with yours...
:lol:But of course I'm not playing any pick 3 anymore in that lotto...I already blasted it ...Still unmatched to this day on the board..Having 10 times 3 numbers out of 3 from very few lines played ...In fact all of them hit that night...(didn't see it happen before on that board and didn't see it happen after on this board :no: ) I could hit them again but instead I'm going after a much bigger prize here....
(Huge increase budget from prior wins in various lotto allow me to do that...)
I'm no longer after peanuts here anymore like you are...But I understand you...You got to start to win somewhere...Even if badluck is haunting you a lot lately don't despair you should win soon!:agree2:
...A big thunderbolt will hit here soon...As soon as I'll have more times on my hand I'll show you...Kaboom again!!!
Lets hope that these encouraging words will help you overcome the sadness you suffer from losing big amounts of $$$$
draw after draw lately..
OH! and by the way ...the 09-43-58 could be the DNs in that big win that will come very soon...
:agree: :agree2:

:D :D :D

Nice to see you in shape!

I'm around this week...

Banco - 05/04/04

Playing a wheel with these:

21-29-31-39-47-59-60 5/5

and these 2 single line:


Good luck to all!



Beaker's winners for Ontario April 5th

Haven't played in a while

Trying these:

DNs = 59-68

01 --10 --13 --17 --20 --47 --56 --59 --63 --68
01 --10 --13 --17 --27 --41 --44 --59 --63 --68
01 --10 --13 --20 --41 --44 --49 --56 --59 --68
01 --10 --17 --20 --27 --28 --44 --56 --59 --68
01 --10 --20 --28 --44 --47 --49 --59 --63 --68
01 --10 --27 --28 --32 --41 --47 --56 --59 --68
01 --13 --17 --20 --28 --32 --49 --56 --59 --68
01 --13 --17 --27 --28 --41 --47 --49 --59 --68
01 --13 --20 --27 --28 --32 --41 --59 --63 --68
01 --13 --32 --41 --47 --49 --56 --59 --63 --68
01 --17 --20 --32 --41 --44 --47 --49 --59 --68
01 --17 --27 --32 --44 --49 --56 --59 --63 --68
10 --13 --17 --28 --32 --44 --47 --59 --63 --68
10 --13 --20 --27 --32 --47 --49 --56 --59 --68
10 --13 --27 --28 --32 --41 --44 --49 --59 --68
10 --17 --20 --27 --41 --47 --49 --59 --63 --68
10 --17 --28 --32 --41 --49 --56 --59 --63 --68
13 --17 --20 --28 --41 --44 --47 --56 --59 --68
13 --27 --28 --44 --47 --49 --56 --59 --63 --68
20 --27 --32 --41 --44 --47 --56 --59 --63 --68

Good luck players :agree2:

