Its just a psychological analysis that is so general that it can apply to almost anyone. I remember in Psych 101 we got this computer program that had you answer questions and it would give you an analysis of what you were like at the end. Then we were told the analysis was so general it was made to describe almost everyone. They are just trying to sell you a product, using a similar ploy. In this case a report on the name of your soon to be child's name.
People tend to get really emotional about their kids and they are playing on this to sell you their product. Its kinda like those packages they sell by mail order where you can imprint your babies feet and pour it up in stone so you can frame it. It costs you around a hundred bucks to order. The impression material is alginate, a dental impression material that costs pennies per use and the plaster or stone probably costs less than 50 cents in actuality.
Moral of the story? Don't ask an insurance salesman if you need more insurance, cuz a good saleman with a good sales pitch can sell refrigerators to Eskimos in Timbuktu.