1500 yes, and 50 three times......problem with playing more is, it becomes like a gambling thing then, rather than "just playing the lotteries".....even a fat wallet can empty quickly over an hour or two of beer drinking.......bc lottery now has a BONUS (usually NO BONUS) option wherein, for a second dollar per draw, the value of the prize can increase by 3,4,5 or 10 friend usually pays for the bonus, and latches onto my numbers, and we split the far, the bonus has had the NO BONUS option on the draws we won.....oh, and the other thing about playing far in advance......the numbers which do tend to repeat will do so for perhaps 5 - 10 takes a few draws to recognize the repetition...of individual numbers, or of the way numbers are grouping (in straight lines, in box formations,in one corner)......and then all that changes.......the luck we have had was playing the numbers once they started to group in that,20,20,40,7,17,27,37......keno really sucks for odds, but the pace of the game, a draw every five minutes, keeps me interested, sometimes not necessarily to win, but simply to beat the stupid machine......or is the machine winning and the participants are stupid.............aaaahhhhhhh which, came first....blah,blah,blah.....the sun's over the yardarm....

...molson canadien today, eh......